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A sneak peak at my full 8K retexture of Alduin, a mythic dragon who's both creator and destroyer. I tried to impart that feeling of both being alive and dead. He resembles a reanimated corpse.

The original concept art had his eyes looking like a ring or "god's eye" nebula. I thought of his eye being like a black hole at the center (pupil), while the outside was the field of stars and gases being drawn to into the black hole. Literally a destroyer of worlds.


  1. RenaPG
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    Damn, now that's a respectable look for the main antagonist of the game. I guess you changed your mind about doing Paarthurnax next.
    1. Gamwich
      • premium
      • 4,782 kudos
      You could say that he changed my mind for me. Paarthurnax needs a major restoration job. Bethesda, in their infinite wisdom, didn't even make a normal map for the hi-res texture packs, so it's only a 1K x 2K normal. That's half the resolution as the regular dragons in the game, and even the diffuse texture is a muddy mess. Alduin is far from easy, but there was more to work with from the start. Paarthurnax's textures are just plain awful.
    2. RenaPG
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      You're not gonna be happy when you finally get to the DLC dragons, because they're even worse.
    3. Gamwich
      • premium
      • 4,782 kudos
      Yeah, Miraak's dragon looks like it was beaten to death by a low-res ugly stick.
  2. Faelrin
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    What attention to detail in regards to the eye (on the concept art, and on your 8k texture here). That's absolutely fascinating. I also really dig the molten look he's got now (which also seems inspired by the concept art perhaps?), versus the plain dark grey of vanilla. Really fitting for what is supposed to be the World Eater.
  3. johnskyrim
    • premium
    • 5,925 kudos
    if Willem Dafoe was a dragon