Needing Information - Amalina's Story part 21

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  1. r131
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    Stupid soldier. Dense as a brick, not helpful either, ... :/

    Btw. wasn't there any useful gold to loot with the pirates?
    But I like her new armour. It looks like a meshup. Selfmade mod?
    1. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      stupid soldier indeed, and probably reticent about giving info to someone he wasn't too sure of.  There was some gold but not to the extent the carriage driver was asking!  100 gold for a ride to Whiterun...

      I have a mod loaded, UUNP armours.
    2. serkethetyt
      • premium
      • 916 kudos
      Yes, I thought the same! Well... maybe she find more gold on the road than in this poor ship. Stupid soldiers, stupid pirates. 
    3. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      She's a resourceful character so the chances are she will find enough gold to be able to get around.