Ch 201 Deep Wounds - Kingdom of the Nine

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  1. Yellowbird11
    • premium
    • 96 kudos
    Hey, that can't be the real Tendril Sethri, the one I know likes to wear no clothes and shock his surroundings!

    I'm sure Baa'ren-Dar and Inigo could be friends, growling together.
  2. Alenzar1
    • supporter
    • 109 kudos
    Quite the backstory Rigmor has with those scars, with reason I found that her rude mood is more like a shield for a little girl to survive. More over because in previous chapters I felt like she looks like a mature person but then behaves like a child admiring simple things. And that was quite the fight wiht the orcs. Another thing to add is that she is quite hot-headed and volatile, taking risky decisions without thinking them at least 2 times but at least she in the end manage to hear her companions. Nice chapter!