Holds the Quest Overhaul

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New Project Banner for the Quest Plugin for Holds the City Overhaul.

Our direction with Holds is to turn Skyrim into a proper dark-fantasy RPG, much like games like Dragon Age Origins, Witcher 3 and Kotor 2. The mod will feature content of a mature nature such as racism, blood and gore and other weighty themes. There will not be any sexual content in this mod.

The Quest Overhaul has a goal of adding dialogue to every single NPC added by Holds, which is just short of 2000 unique characters. All of which will have personalities, backstories, wants and secrets. These dialogue tree's will also be quite comprehensive. Every dialogue tree has conditions for the characters ranging from the players race, how much he likes or dislikes you, your gender, if you are a Thane in the given hold, if this character knows that your the Dragonborn or the leader of a guild(often triggered by wearing the guild leaders armor or being in the town where the guild has its guildhall), quest progression, political influence from the Thane quest-chain, how strong the character is in a given skill, and what civil war faction controls the city or won the civil war.

Dialogue will also include skill-check options and play a pivotal role in quests and world-building.

Holds will strive to be as lore compatible with Beyond Skyrim and other large projects as possible, and lore friendly with established Bethesda lore. We will add our own quest-chains and guilds, as well as overhaul the Vanilla Quests, Guilds and Main Quest. 

Our motto for the Quest Plugin is: Choices and Consequences. Holds will take a RPG route with every quest having an aim of a minimum of 2 different ways of the quest to end. Larger quests should have consequences that can be seen in the world when they are finished. 

Another aim we have with the quest plugin is to focus on more narrative heavy quests, rather then misc radiant quests. Though those will also be featured but are not the main focus.

The Holds Projects are developed by Galandil who is assisted by a writing staff. 
Compatibility patches are handled by SetteLisette.

Holds the City Overhaul 0.0.9: h
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