Skyrim as a Child

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Starting over as a child. It's a lovely immersion with the correct camera settings, looking up on adults etc makes you feel less heroic, combined with a higher difficulty setting. I also recommend finding a mod that reduces running speed, otherwise it's kind of an immersion breaker.


  1. Oax
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    I know its an edit for the skeleton but I can't figure out which node
    there is a node labeled camera control and 1st person camera but changing them doesn't seem to do anything. any clue what the correct node is?
  2. Oax
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    please share these camera setting? I've been trying to fix them for sometime! I've managed to fix the 3rd person view but not the 1st which is the most immersion breaking for a child race
  3. Hoptic
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    wow this is awesome, you have a mod on the way?
  4. Kittyeh
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Please tell me you didn't download a rack mod with a child charecter...xD
