Fort Windpoint - The Ascended Sleeper

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  1. Xtudo
    • premium
    • 5,541 kudos
    The sisters, Sarah and Cybele, on a quest to discover one of Morrowind's mythical creatures, a distorted half-Dunmer, half-beast abomination created through magic by Dagoth Ur, the Ascended Sleeper.

    The Ascended Sleeper was one of the creatures that terrified me most in Morrowind (great memories!).
    And now being face to face with it again in Skyrim is amazing.

    Many thanks to 4thUnknown for his awesome Fort Windpoint mod, highly recommended!

  2. Darkbladewriter
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    So what happened in the confrontation with spaghetti-face?  

    And on the subject of Cybele, I think she's my fave, too.  Just sensationally cute.
    1. Xtudo
      • premium
      • 5,541 kudos
      It vanished before the sisters could put an end to its terror.

      I don't want it dead, yet, it is the only one in all Skyrim, so...
      But Cybele learned how to summon it, for that alone it was worth all the effort.

      About Cyb or Sarah, hmm I have no preference haha sometimes I like more one sister than the other, and sometimes the other way around.
      Well Sarah is my actual character, I don't see her face so much like the cute angelical one of Cybele.
  3. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,127 kudos
    Wow. A relly nice set love these angles and toned down colors.
    1. Xtudo
      • premium
      • 5,541 kudos
      Yes, the grim color palette helps with the terrifying dungeon/creature idea.
      I'm glad you liked!
  4. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 210 kudos
    I like Sarah a lot but i'm in love with Cybelle! Haha!

    The sleeper reminds me a little of some entities occurances at the exceptional mod "Vigilant"!
    1. Xtudo
      • premium
      • 5,541 kudos
      haha yes, who doesn't love our cute little mage Cyb?
      She is soo special, and nice-smelling, cunning, warm, brave, friendly... haha I could go for hours.

      The sleeper reminds me a little of some entities occurances at the exceptional mod "Vigilant"!
      ah nice, Vigilant is in my future mods list.