Visiting With the Imp

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  1. tgstyle24
    • supporter
    • 104 kudos
    Oh, I always loved that book reading pose... Wulver looks really relaxed and happy there Wonderful images, Jon!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      Aye its a super cute pose and fits Wulver's playful attitude very well. Thanks for checking it out and glad you liked the set!
  2. PrinceNathan
    • supporter
    • 200 kudos
    I think Wulver's might be skating on ever thinning ice at the college. Pretty soon he'll be made to wait outside like a dog at the store :P
    Still, he can't help his trouble making ways :)
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 897 kudos
      Thanks Nathan!

      I believe the College puts up with his antics, overall, because he is an inter-planar entity from outside of their known Universe. So they find him fascinating to study.

      In retrospect all their poking and prodding might also be behind some of the antics :)
  3. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    This was awesome and very beautiful with wonderful lighthearted atmosphere! It is so great to see Thrynn and Wulver having fun and relaxing after that ordeal with Salissa and her cult.
    Looks like Wulver recovered and he is ready for new adventures and mischief. Studies at Winterhold College can become boring after some time, so students try to amuse themselves. Wulver pretending to be an Arch-Mage probably looked amazing given that Dannee is a current Arch-Mage, lol. I wonder who of the students got turned into a chicken and then got transformed back! I am sure that Sam will like Wulver very much since they both share the desire to spice up things a bit to get everyday life more interesting. I enjoyed seeing Vero’s expressions at Wulver’s mischievous deeds in the College, so he would probably indeed will go to Riften to visit Wulver and Thrynn instead!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 897 kudos
      Many thanks Nataly. I was thinking of Dannee a lot when writing this and what she might think if she had been there. Course if she had been there I am sure Wulver would have been a bit more behaved - he likes Dannee a lot but he sees her as this somewhat intimidating and powerful force and he would be too nervous to get out of line under her watchful eye. She is probably one of the few who could get him to behave when in this state, at least for a little while. When his chaos side is in this much control he is very much like Sandy - a very mischievous imp.

      Oh I really need to have him meet Sam! A great idea for a short little story. He hasn't done the drinking contest yet with Sam  (Or at least I don't think so ... been playing him for over two years now and honestly don't remember all that I have done with him) and I can already think of a few twists our mischievous little Imp might pull on ole Sam lol. Got a few ideas already ... may be in touch later to discuss. If it turns out I have done that adventure with Sam (going to go through my journal, then will find another way to do a little story).

      Oh the apprentice, that was J'zargo who told Wulver he would never be an Arch-Mage *grin*
    2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
      • premium
      • 233 kudos
      You are welcome! Dannee can act as stern teacher and give such look to misbehaved students that they feel themselves very awkward for their attitude. Toldfir usually calls her to deal with most unusual or serious cases in the College and she also comes to visit Winterhold at least once a month to check things out. Given that this was a prank, I think Dannee wouldn’t be angry. Wulver pranks would remind her of Sam and Sandy’s mischievous deeds. However if she had been there, Wulver would have never pulled that prank because he likes Dannee. Somehow I am not surprised that J’zargo found himself in such predicament, he has fiery temper and likes to argue so he just had to clash with Wulver in verbal sparring and faced the consequences, lol.

      It would be awesome if Wulver will meet Sam! I am very intrigued about your ideas for the story about them! Hopefully that quest with Sam is still not finished but even if Wulver did that, I guess there still might be a way for them to meet.

    3. wolfgrimdark
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      • 897 kudos
      Oh good, I was thinking that might be how Dannee might see it. When I am ready to work on a story with Sam I will be sure to PM you to discuss some ideas :)

      I doubt Wulver even knew that staff he grabbed was as powerful as it was.

      Granted I don't know what Dannee has there for staffs. It was Wabberjack and I am thinking that staff may have a bit of mischief and madness all its own ... and sensing Wulver around its own magic might have removed it from any safe vault so that Wulver happened to come across it. At least that was how I was thinking about it. If Dannee never got that item then a simple staff of Transformation also works.
    4. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
      • premium
      • 233 kudos

      I will look forward to see your ideas and your message!

      As for staffs, in one of old stories during Selina's first appereance as reward for her help for Dnanee and her team, Sam told her about her Prince whereabouts in Pelagius wing of Blue Palace. So Selina got Wabbajack since it was her who completed Mind of Madness but she might have brought it to show to Dannee while she made her own research about Daedric artifacts as Arch-Mage. Since Wabbajack brings lots of mischief it somehow got in Wulver’s hands and that case with J’zargo followed.
  4. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    A very nice interlude with wonderful pictures. 
    Your modification of Whiterun makes the city look very healthy.
    A prospect like Whiterun could be if there wasn't a civil war.

    On the one hand, Wulver is very popular, but his choatic nature also often seems to cause trouble. LOL
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      Thanks Gerd! Luckily in Wulver (and Grim's) world the civil war isn't an issue so the holds are more prosperous and there is more general peace in Skyrim now that the dragons are mostly gone, Mirak is gone, and so is Harkon. Basically Wulver arrives after a lot of the troubles have been taken care of. So he is more an adventurer during a somewhat more stable time period. Well minus the Cult thing :P

      Granted even then most holds would cut down trees as you can't see an invading army coming or properly defend let alone fire hazard. But here is where I make some visual exceptions to reality :-)

      On a side note Frank said his released follower mod Svenja was designed by you. As i told Frank I hope to get her into a story in Wulver and Grim's world. Maybe with Vero or a story idea I have with Wulver and Sam (Sanguine). Will see :)
    2. Imrazon
      • premium
      • 65 kudos
      For the 2 "big" stories I made, the civil war playes also a minor role. The background, or better said, the reason for this is "my dragonborn". He abhors the civil war and talked very seriously to Ulfric and Tullius at High Hrothgar. That made them stop and think. In order to gain him as an possible ally they keep up the truce. But after the dragon crisis no one really knows where he is.

      Well, Svenja is designed by Frank and he used her as his character. On his request I only transfered his preset into a mod and made her little story.
      I'm curious how you will involve her in your story. 
  5. deleted2702269
    • account closed
    • 30 kudos
    What a wonderful day to sit on the rooftops and watch the life going by in the streets - and to cheer up a sad person.
    The colors and light are so beautiful and the ENB makes you feel the softness of the air.
    I love the way he bears the behavior of his childish mate with such serenity. Some friends are just like they are!
    Your guys are such a sight - every single one of them.
    BTW to which armor does this wonderful rusty/dirty shoulder plate on his left side belong - it looks awesome. Thank you for this little amusement.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      Many thanks Aza! I live my fantasy life through Wulver lol. Nothing like people watching from the rooftops and doing gargoyle impressions. I love this little red Imp.

      Its an old version of Insomnia ENB, I really like the soft color tones, well done film grain, and overall look and feel. I use it fairly often for both screenshots and game play.

      Thrynn is pretty good with Wulver and, of course, Wulver also does his best to make Thrynn happy :)

      Glad you enjoyed this playful little romp. The armor you mentioned comes with Vero's follower mod. You could get it from that at least. Not sure if there is a stand-alone version.
  6. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,143 kudos
    Excellent captures Jonathan :)
    Wulver looking as handsome as ever and love him with those wings :)

    Notifications aren't working for me (again) having to trawl through the images isn't good 
    they need to get this mess sorted out
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      Thank you Izzy! It is so nice to be able to return to playing him regularly again and doing his smaller posts. Loved doing his big story but it was also a major time commitment.

      I heard some folks were having issues with notifications. Brings you back to the old days when you used to have to browse manually! Mine have all been working thankfully. A little too good as I was getting notifications of everything till I adjusted the settings.
    2. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,143 kudos
      Thanks Jonathan, they seem to be working again.. for now :)
  7. Astra2000
    • premium
    • 169 kudos
    Great - a good job you have done, Jon!!! 
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      Why thank you Frank, glad you enjoyed the post!
  8. Organonmodell
    • supporter
    • 41 kudos
    "His good deed done for the day..." Nice :D
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      Thanks :-) I wanted to work that in since she says it to you all the time. Besides Wulver's a good Tiefling lad at heart :)
  9. Alenzar1
    • supporter
    • 108 kudos
    Surely Wulver being a watcher in the rooftops would be a sight to see, but probably if he does that at night it would be scary... you know, Horns, Wings, Scary appearance becaue the night cover him completely. Probably he would be certain "dark knight"

    And that visit to the college probably was unexpected... Poor Vero

    The story was funny and it was nice set Johnathan!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      Many thanks! Wulver has a long history (i.e. I have done many sets around it) of doing gargoyle impressions. He is good at illusion magic to help as well. He likes to act like a stone gargoyle on buildings and then he likes to jump down and startle people.  That being said he can also look rather intimidating with his black wings, horns, and red skin for sure. He kinda of spoils it, however, when he opens his mouth lol.  He is also rather small, standing not much over 5 feet three inches.

      Being a Chaos Tiefling he has a dark chaotic side (versus demonic) although he has managed, over the centuries, to focus on the positive and neutral aspects of chaos heritage (creativity, spontaneous, change, growth, etc.). But like all of us he still has a dark side he has to manage. I came across an image a long time ago which I have saved because I think it might be how Wulver would look if he turned from the light to darkness:

      Anyhow your comment made me think of it. Overall, however, he is a pretty carefree dude :) Glad you enjoyed his antics at the college.
  10. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 879 kudos
    HAHAHA Poor Vero! Wulver had a lot of fun causing uproar and pranks at the College, and as much as everyone complained a little I think that as soon as he leaves there everyone will feel a strange emptiness.
    Awesome set, Jon!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 897 kudos
      Thank you Larys!

      Well the place will be much quieter when he leaves. Some will miss the cheerful company and others will probably be glad to have silence :)

      Unlike Grim, who was ostracized when he went there for training as the other students considered him a big dumb freak. Eventually he made a few close friends but never really fit in. But then he is hardly the mage type. Wulver fit in pretty well when he was there but that is part of his nature being very good with social things. He was more chaotic this time though. Life of party with little self-control basically :)