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This user's image description contains 15 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. AnnaMary
    • member
    • 223 kudos
    What a Glorious new Wonder-gallery with such Amazing dynamic scenes and this Mesmerizing elvish heroine... Each of Your Luxurious showcases is breathes with some Faery, thorough and Breathtaking!!! (*__________*)

    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos

      Thank you so very much for the kind words Marianna!
  2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Awesome and very beautiful set! Merveil looks gorgeous and I like the outfits!
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you so much Nataly!
  3. Hammond54
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Fantastic girl and atmosphere may I ask, what is the name of the outfit from the first and penultimate shots?
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you so much Jan!

      The outfit is one of the Fox ones from back in the day. I think maybe Fox 41?
    2. Hammond54
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks a lot

      And what about this outfit?
      This look a little similar to SC - Witch of the Wilds but I'm not sure.
    3. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Good eye! That skirt is from SC - Witch of the Wild, though the outfit is a custom mashup of a bunch of stuff. I used the Noble fur-lined clothing from the Minidess mod, Luxurous Seduction jacket, as well as few other bits and bobs. For the boots/gauntlets you could use anything really (I think I am using the BDO Taritas ones here)

      Several pieces I did minor alterations to some of the pieces in Outfit Studio to minimize clipping in places. It's pretty simple to do, just keep a backup of the meshes you are working on.
    4. Hammond54
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you very much for detailed response!
      I saw many mashups, I even did few myself (for exaple ESO Naryu Virian armor), but your work is really remarkable. I'll try to gather all pices you mentioned
    5. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      No problem Jan!

      I seem to recall that getting the skirt by itself was a bit tricky as it is a body slot (32) by default. If you have Outfit Studio, Tes5edit and Nifscope it is fairly easy to delete the torso and change the slot number though if you don't know how to use Tes5edit I would suggest watching a video or two. If you have any questions, send me a private message and I can try to help
    6. Hammond54
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks. I have been using these tools for many years, so it shouldn't be a problem, but sure, if I have any question, I'll let you know
  4. rcreaper2
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    Merveil looks so pretty
    Very nice work with a bunch of varieties. All look stunning, awesome work Will
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you so much for the kind words Bruno!
  5. dovalady1995
    • supporter
    • 92 kudos
    Stunning set!
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you so much Tatiana!
  6. Ashnur
    • premium
    • 289 kudos
    Sublim screens with a truly fantastic atmosphere Will!
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you so much Max!
  7. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 185 kudos
    Hanging moss is the ugliest plant in Skyrim, but you made it look beautiful!!
    Love the twin statue standing on fallen log shot too, great set Will!
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Yeah I totally remember scouring the intent for replacers for hanging moss. I eventually found one I like

      Thanks for stopping by my friend!
  8. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 312 kudos
    Great pics of her adventure, Will! I love that fiery dragon corpse, always a favorite subject of mine
    And if it were me going across that canyon I'd be hugging and crawling my way along that log lol
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you so much Dylan!

      Yeah, I totally got vertigo walking along that branch!
  9. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 210 kudos
    Majestic showcase Will!!!
    Loved the LOTR vibes with the Argonath!!!
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you so much Michael!

      That area to totally looks like Argonath!
  10. lesjones
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    A very lovely, in fact stunning series of images Will mate, and Merveil is just such a darling, especially in that main shot...the outfit suits her beautifully.

    Gorgeous, my friend, quite, quite gorgeous!
    1. Klaxoid
      • member
      • 193 kudos
      Thank you so very much Les!