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This user's image description contains 17 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.
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Möglicherweise nicht das was du im Sinn hattest, aber die fantastische Atmosphäre deiner wunderbar komponierten Bilder zwang mir dieses Szenario förmlich auf. Großartig gemacht und umgesetzt!
Ich liebe dieses Bild sehr: die Fragilität dieses zarten Geschöpfes, das von Licht und Leichtigkeit lebt, im Kontrast zu dem kalten, harten Stein und den tiefen, traurigen Schatten. Hervorragende Arbeit!
Very classy set Heike!
overheard by the soul
undertook by the heart
and you may know it
if you may
Be" - Neil Diamond
Such a lovely, magical waltz through time, through space , through our sweet imagination and our cultural and interspecies memories. Does the butterfly remember ? Does she know that the change was not just of her choosing, though that choice was hers to make, for "we know what we are but know not what we might be" and that choice can be the bravest thing we do. I love that you did this in B&W. It evokes the dream/magical aspect so well and invites our imaginations to explore, invent and play. Thankyou.
I´m so glad, that you felt the magical essence of it. The unspoken possibilties and the changes of life ...
Thank you
Freut mich immer, wenn´s gefällt
I´m glad you like the atmosphere. The location was inviting
The location was perfect and inviting to do something.
After the excusion to the world of Manga it was a good compensation, especially because the gothic themes are always the best