Lilith - Queen of Lilins

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Meet the newest of the oldest Lilins, Lilith herself!

Lilith is ancient to say the least. Most likely over 30,000 years old, she was a Cherub in Heaven, the highest of the different types of angels. Her pride and disdain for the ancient, underdeveloped humans (especially men, who were easily swayed by her majestic beauty) made her quarrel in the Heavens grow into a hate for them. When the proud Lucifer and cunning Asmodeus rebelled against the heavens, she sided with Lucifer and after their inevitable defeat was sent down into the Hells with them for her deeds. Besides siding with Lucifer, no one knows what she did to incur the wrath of the Heavens,  but she did not murder another Cherub like her rival, Demorial.

In Baator, Lilith's angel wings became leathery and her skin turned dusky like cinnamon but even the fires of Hell did not outdo the splendor of her red hair. Lucifer took her as Queen, much to Demorial's ire, and she ruled for many years besides the Fallen Light. But when Asmodeus rebelled and took the Hells over for himself, she along with her king and ilk who remained loyal were banished, and so Lucifer took a shard of his own blood and power and made Infernus. There she was sure she would be rewarded with her royal throne back, but soon she was left as nothing more than a concubine of The Deceiver, and he choose no one as his queen.

For many years her daughters, Lilins, were especially hated in Baator for their mixed origins (a pairing of the splendid Lilith and an incubus is the most famous tale). Before her murder, Bensozia, wife to Asmodeus, and Lilith shared a friendship albeit always steeped in rivalry yet respect. Bensozia was courtly and cold yet polite in manner, while Lilith was whimsical, artful, and flirtatious. However, Lilith never much cared for Bensozia's daughter, Glasya, and perhaps in a cruel twist of fate or karmic justice it was the Princess who would be redeemed largely thanks to one Lilin, Lila Beth, and then take charge of Lilins in their new form after the magics of the Limbo Crisis and Goddess's redemption effort for Glasya.

But Lilith's misfortune doesn't stop there. Just months after the Limbo Crisis, Lucifer was tricked into invading the Nine once more to take his throne back. Lilith could see that both Asmodeus and Lucifer were being used by a master puppeteer somewhere. But when the Princess Glasya now in Redeemed form marched into the Hells to aid her father in hopes of one day redeeming him, she brought with her the mighty group of Heroes that fought alongside her. They encountered Demorial first and after being bested she threw herself at their mercy, and promised them a way to deal with Lilith. Agreeing, when Lilith met the heroes, she pleaded with them to stop all attacks, and that everyone was being used. Perhaps it was the Limbo Crisis that was changing her or maybe her daughters' changes, but she saw things differently for the first time in eons. Duped, the heroes used a magic item to banish Lilith only to summon Demorial with her allies to fight once more. Lucifer failed, and no one is sure what happened to most of his lieutenants for their schemes after the heroes bested all of them, but Lilith was left drifting for some time.... but her tale does not end here!

Whew! That's just some of her amazing story, and amazingly, she has been a background character! I made her after she was released in my D&D campaign, but that is another tale for another time. If you made it this far and with no reward of sexy pics, you are awesome and thanks! :)

Second post here to finish her story so far:


  1. aarondcull
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    "This has been Nathaniel's History Hour, see you next time".

    Nice character bro...
    1. Vlade717
      • supporter
      • 81 kudos
      Thanks... bro.
  2. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 309 kudos
    Biblical references and a name of Lilith, is that referring to the Jewish belief of Adam's first wife?
    Either way she looks great, that Succubus outfit is a natural fit :)
    1. Vlade717
      • supporter
      • 81 kudos
      Thanks man!  
      It technically is where Pathfinder pulls Lilith from, which Pathfinder is where I took her from and went to town with it lol. However, Lilith is only in one book; The Tome of Horrors Complete, which is a limited print of the Tome of Horrors 1-3 which included a few unique creatures not in the original 3 books. Lilins and Lilith are two of the unique creatures, which are interestingly the only artworks done by David Day (Big LotR artist) and they look much more feminine than others which is what drew me so much to Lilins.
      There is so much lore on Lilith, some making her a baby-blood sucking vampire, to tragic victim, to comical character which is where she got popular many centuries ago in a comedy. Her name originates from a Hebrew word that means "demon", but I made up that she didn't like human men (akin to Adam) because Pathfinder never went into what she does in the burning of Heaven. Either way, I have always been religious, and I like my devil/angel/winged gals a little too much so...