At the Vilemyr Inn

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  1. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    (sigh) Sarah is so entrancing.  She steals the heart just by passing by. In her face we find an almost perfect  combination of sun and moonlight.

    Poor Za'ar, I know Khajiit speak differently than other Tamrielans but I hope he does not take offense when someone offers to write a letter or note (missive) for him rather than conduct a mission, which appears to be what he wants    Not to worry though Sarah can do both. 
    1. Xtudo
      • premium
      • 5,705 kudos
      Oh, how kind of you, thanks you...
      Haha fixed, it was my mistake not Poor Za'ar.
  2. Darkbladewriter
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    The figures are improving each time I see them.  Very nice and eye-catching.
    1. Xtudo
      • premium
      • 5,705 kudos
      Ah new hardware haha, thanks you my friend.
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,147 kudos
    Sarah a sweet beauty and a heart of gold :))
    1. Xtudo
      • premium
      • 5,705 kudos
      Thanks you my friend.