Liadys - A wonderful world of follower mods

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  1. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,124 kudos
    Excellent presentation of beauty Michael :))
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Thank you so much Izzy!
  2. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    great compilation of the many followers, I know Mani too, have her in the game myself.
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Mani is a honey!
      Thanks a lot for the visit and the good words big bro!
  3. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 182 kudos
    Fantastic view of all your lovely ladies bro!
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Many many thanks bro!
  4. bacetrica
    • premium
    • 667 kudos
    Wow, Liadys has created a wide variety of characters that look different from each other!
    Great job of you putting all those characters together! in shoots.
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Yes it was intriguing to deal with all those diverse chars!
      Thank you kindly for the good words JA!
  5. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    Very nice showcase and tribute 
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Thanks Gerd! Much appreciated!
  6. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 893 kudos
    Lia has her very own army at this point, great job showing them all off Michael!
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Aye, i think Mylène had some invasion plans to bring all Tamriel under her rule but she probably commanded her army to live in harmony with the rest of the populace after all!
      Thanks a ton Jon!
  7. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Great looking cast of characters. But you know, a good dentist could help some of those folks with that tooth problem.
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Hahaha! Even with those big and sharp teeth, vamps and Orsimer have their charms!
      Many thanks for the visit Laird!
  8. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 130 kudos
    This is quite a showcase of these amazingly created characters bro. 
    It looks like it was an awesome party in your Skyrim with the amount captured and all were captured so wonderfully.
    Awesome jam and a bombastic showcase bro  
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Yeah after that photoshoot we all had a big party at Gomapero land!
      We all drunk to near death!
      Thank you so much for the kind words bro!
  9. Spunzelhund
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    So many! Fantastic!
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      An army indeed!
      Thanks a lot Andrea!
  10. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 619 kudos
    Thanks to Liadys for sharing her beautiful work with us and also to you, bro, for this amazing and big showcase! I love them all, but Ravndryn papucho and Nelthas are my forever faves!
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Well i figured you would go with the Dunmer boys!
      Mylène is indeed very talented and we are thankful to her for sharing her beauties!
      Thanks you so much sis!