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This user's image description contains 26 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 474 kudos
    Das Hauptbild ist bezaubernd, Heike!
    Die anderen kann ich leider nicht sehen, bei all deinen Sets. Aber es sind sowieso alle wunderbare Werke!!
  2. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 160 kudos
    Elayne is awesome, as always. Beautiful images, and I really hope that her gift extends to us in real life, too! I am tired of cold dry air, frost,  and snow. We at least got above freezing today, although we are back below that now. But it looks like we may be warming up this week - at least for the first few days. Oh well, if that doesn't happen, I can always come back and view this set again. It does give me hope - so thanks!

    That last image is very cool, too. Hope you have a great week!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      I really like to read your wonderfull very personal comments. You never write stereotypes and I appreciate this very much. It shows me, that you really watched my pics and, the best is, that you got some inspirations to think about it.
      For this reason, I am very glad, that this set gave you the hope of spring. I need it too, because the days are not so cold here in Germany, but the sky is quite always grey and I really miss the warmth of the sun and the feeling of spring

      Thank you from the bottom of my heart
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 160 kudos
      Thank YOU, my friend - for your comment about my comments! And thanks to Elayne too - as we were warmer all week here. Sunny on Tuesday which was great, but cloudy and raining most of the rest of the week. While I agree with you about missing sunny weather, I was more than happy for the rain instead of snow. And... I noticed that my day lillies (flowers) near my front door have woken up and are about 2 inches (5 cm) out of the ground! When I see that, I know we are getting closer to Spring! I really hope that you have more sunny days soon.

      PS. Haha, I was very excited about seeing my flowers poking up through the ground... until one of my kids that lives down in Florida (Southern USA) sent me a picture of her daughter that just had her 3rd birthday, standing in a field of Sunflowers. The flowers were taller than her daughter! I admit, I was just a little jealous - but happy for her that she lives someplace warmer.

      PPS: I may have spoken too soon. After writing the above comment, I just looked out the window... it is snowing again!
  3. respaldoshugo
    • member
    • 172 kudos
    This morning I was listening to Mahler's 7th symphony, called "Lied der Nacht". I love the second and fourth movements, and seeing these dreamy images immediately connected that magical music to them. Thank you for that, dear Heike .
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      This is a wonderful coincidence, that you found a music which gives you a connection to my images
      I had to listen to it and it´s great, powerful and magical

    2. respaldoshugo
      • member
      • 172 kudos
  4. lesjones
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    As ever, truly enchanting and inspirational images and a wonderful expression of the excitement of a new spring and the return of life to the world.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Thank you so much, dear Les
      You made a perfect summary of my idea ... every Spring is a gift of new life
  5. saitofutoshi88
    • member
    • 92 kudos
    Epic :D
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Thank you
  6. Dibthelegend
    • supporter
    • 312 kudos
    I'm very ready for the best season of the year ;)
    I love how the set steadily grows more colorful as it goes on. Beautiful work <3
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      I´m waiting for spring and the first warm sun rays too

      I am really glad, that you saw my idea ... from darkness to light and from snow to flowers.

      Thank you
  7. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    schmetterlinge gibt es bei uns noch nicht, aber wir hatten auch ein par schone tage im wochenende  :)
    Schone bilder , wenn ich mich gut erinnere brauchst du rampage mit der Dof von Snapdragon ??
    Die wirken ganz gut zusammen und gibt so eine tolle atmosphere in dein bilder  :)
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Es gibt nur wenige Schmetterlinge, die als fertiges Tier bei uns überwintern. Neulich habe ich einen Zitronenfalter fliegen sehen ... es war ein bisschen magisch ( und ich habe nachgelesen )

      Du hast ein gutes Gedächtnis. Ich nutze wirklich am liebsten eine alte Version von Rampage mit der Dof von Snapdragon. Manchmal probiere ich auch andere ENB`s, doch das ist mein Haupt-ENB
  8. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    Winter is passing
    it has been  a  difficult one
    there is much that has happened
    some was good 
    but much was not
    and it would be untrue
    if I were to say to you
    we can't get much higher
    but it is not just for us
    we need to walk softly
    in spring
    Mother Earth is pregnant.

    Beautiful images, beautiful music and a gorgeous video too. Yes, Elayne brought a lovely gift to skyrim but you brought Elayne and her gift to us. Thank You !  
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Dear NeoNord,
      thank you for this wonderful and touching poem

      ... yes, in Spring Mother Earth is pregnant

      As always, you receiped my message and you wrote about your intentions about my "work".
      I have to thank you for taking the time for me
  9. bernard54
    • member
    • 63 kudos
    Das Erwachen der Natur nach einem harten Winter.Schön daß Du Deine Frühlingsgefuhle mit uns teilst.Noch scheint der Winter etwas die Oberhand zu haben (toll die Schneeflocke in ihrer ganzen Pracht);doch die Farben des Frühlings setzen nach und nach ihre Akzente.Für mich ein sehr ansprechendes Set,das durch die schöne Musik unterstrichen wird.Gefällt mir sehr gut .
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank für Deine lieben Worte. Hier in Düsseldorf ist es leider auch die ganze Zeit nur grau und ich vermisse die Sonne , die vielleicht Frühlingsgefühle auslösen könnte ... doch am Frülingsanfang wollte ich mal träumen
  10. moterovinus
    • member
    • 138 kudos

    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 336 kudos