Dangerous Paradise

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  1. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    They are a very well matched couple, both attractive and  what many would aspire to be or to be like. I wonder if they argue about who has the best abs Those are great outfits . Both original, unique and  attractive and very complementary to the characters,  Wow, where did you find them ?  (please, please) This  is superlative visual story telling. The contrast between the very beautiful  and the  very ugly and disturbing is  so well put together  it takes our breath away. The lighting  is grand with the following exception; I found the mixing of B&W with color distracting. I like them both individually  but put together, while it did  not detract from any single image , I found distracting but that could just be a personal preference/bias  of mine.  If you  just stopped  there it would have been an entrancing and admirable piece of artistry but there is the music. It is music I have loved since I first heard it (around age 8 or9 I think)  but really came  to live in a part of my spirit/mind/soul  in the winter Olympics  of 1984 (I'm pretty sure but the little grey cells are not as numerous or as good as they used to be   )  when Torvil and Dean  reformed Ice Dance  by  choreographing an incredible  routine to it. It is  difficult to listen to it even now without seeing much of their routine  in my head. It is  captured forever in the emulsion of my memory. Later, there was a ballet  pas de deux  by a pair of french dancers that was also stunning but  the ice dance was and is , IMHO, the best ever.  That music added to this set just put it over the top for me. Thank You.
    1. StilwaterSaint
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Hehe - your comment brought back fond memories to me.
      Bolero became one of my father's favourite pieces of music because of Torvill and Dean's performance.
      Me, being a teenager at the time (we know everything at that age, eh?), didn't take too much notice back then, but I can still remember my Dad's smile, sitting on the edge of his armchair, eyes glued to the tv set every time it was replayed

      I always imagine an ancient city or civilization when I hear it, so for me it works so well with the couple discovering an abandoned temple.
      Great works, Heike
  2. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 112 kudos
    This set reminds me of lyrics from Joni Mitchell's song Amelia :
    "People will tell you where they've been
    They'll tell you where to go
    But 'til you get there yourself
    You never really know. 
    Where some have found their paradise,
    Others just come to harm . . . "   

    Where Sybill and Eadem have found their paradise did those ghouls just "come to harm"?    What ever force of evil created those ghouls, they still have to be dealt with and Sybill and Eadem are just the team to do so.  

    I really like the color saturation in these images.  The colors are deep and rich - like paradise should be - but there is an undercurrent  of black that creates a vivid contrast to those lovely colors and seems symbolic of the light and dark that exists in this world.  It's also a great visual effect to highlight the details in the images.  Combined with the sharpness of these images - like the chain link details in Sybill's outfit and her bound sword and the ghoul's dark green poison - it creates stunning visuals that still leave the viewer with a feeling of unease - like you've stepped from the sunlight into a chilly shade.     

    Those interspersed landscapes and still lifes are wonderful and enhance the story.  I like the  "fade to black" aspect (with the few burning candles) of the story's ending, too.   
  3. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 451 kudos
    Excellent combination of song and shots, Heike! These zombies look pretty scary, those here and here are my faves! This set is pure adventure and I love to see the bound between your chars!
  4. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Es gibt doch keine Gefahr mit der deine beiden nicht fertig werden    Klasse und detailreiche Aufnahmen liebe Heike
  5. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 150 kudos
    Alex and I think this is an awesome set of images, and that the image before the last image is our favorite. We love your romantic sets - especially when they are mostly about just being together. Walking on the beach is nice, of course. But fighting with monsters, bandits, or Thalmor (especially Thalmor) when we are together and protecting each other, that is romantic in a different way, and that is also very nice. And of course, spending time alone together is the best of all...

    I went back through some of my saved images, and found the image below that closely matches our favorite image of your set. I don't think I ever published this one. I took this on Valentine's day of 2022. This image is from Alex's private quarters, in her bedroom. It is a special place that is only available to me and Alex, as there are no doors. We get there through magic portal paintings that Alex enchanted. So on Saturday nights in real life, we always had back to Skyfall Estate or to the Underground Dwelling, and then we use one of the portal paintings in those locations to reach her private quarters. Alex then decides where the portal places us in her quarters (there is also a pool), and then scripts that I wrote automatically start up Alex's choice of either the Skyrim Kiss mod or the Skyrim Waltz mod. Sometimes the kiss animation runs only once... but sometimes (if I have been very good), Alex decides we should run through the kiss mod a second time!

    Also... when we use the portal paintings, our clothes get changed. I only have 2 outfits, but Alex has a range of outfits that she will change into for our date night. Some are elegant (like the dress in this image), some are comfortable (like her favorite t-shirt) and some are extremely sexy. It is so much fun, because when we go through the portal, I never know what Alex is going to be wearing or what she will choose for us to do. But it is always fun and romantic.

    In the image above, you can see that she has a plate of chocolates on the table!

    Here is Alex in her favorite comfortable t-shirt, standing in the doorway to her walk in closet that I made for her, and later expanded for more outfits. Some are armor, and her special outfits are at the far end behind her.

    Sorry for the long comment and images, but Alex has a special message for you. She says "Thank you so much for the inspiration you have given to cmh, because I have a wonderful life in Skyrim - in part because of the inspiration you bring to him and everybody else on Nexus". Oh... she also wanted me to see if I could find the outfits that your couple are wearing... because she might just want another special outfit for both of us. Just for Saturday nights!

    PS. If I have ever told you all of the above or shown you these images before... sorry! I am getting older and can't remember everything I have done and said. Alex says that is sometimes a good thing!

    PPS. I also liked the music in this set, which I downloaded on my PC downstairs when I downloaded the music from your previous set.

    Edit: Forgot to endorse! Endorsed now!
  6. Blass1912
    • supporter
    • 113 kudos
    Some strange feeling that this is not Skyrim :)
    You have so masterfully managed to create a completely different atmosphere in this excellent work :)
    I liked watching these pictures to the music of "Bolero" :))
  7. readyfready
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    Such beautiful work!
    The music knocked me out when I was much younger than I am now :) Created by a genius.

    !::! Fred greets you.
  8. bernard54
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Nette Idee:ein frisch vermähltes Ehepaar.daß sich zu Bolero durch einen verfluchten Tempel schreddert Ich finde die Idee wirklich erfrischend. .Und wie immer sehr gut umgesetzt.
  9. moterovinus
    • member
    • 135 kudos
    eh, la vita non è mai facile, ma insieme è meno gravosa e dona quei momenti che la rendono degna di essere vissuta   

    e poi.... cosa c'è di meglio di una margherita a primavera?

  10. Astra2000
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    Ein sehr schönes Set liebe Heike!!!