Screenarchery Challenge - Recreation and Renovation

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I've often spoken of how the talents of so many mod authors have enabled players to transform Skyrim into an almost completely different setting. I myself have most certainly used mods for the sole purpose of bringing old OCs to life or visually upgrading PCs from other games, and I know some of you have, as well.

What I haven't seen a lot of is favorite NPCs, and, inspired by the unofficial community events in the imageshare, I thought I might toss my own idea in the ring and propose a unique creative challenge to my fellow screenarchers.

The challenge is thus:

  • Think of a favorite NPC from a game older than 2011 (older than Skyrim) and, using whatever mods you like (or none at all!), recreate the NPC with Skyrim's chargen, outfit them, then share your screenies of them here. Be sure to title your submission "Recreation and Renovation", so I can spot them easily, and after July 16th, I'll round them up and compile them so you can see everyone's creations all together.

  • Please note: Skyrim SE is fair game for the challenge, but I won't be checking Supporter images on either site, so make sure they're appropriate for regular imageshare viewing. You may even want to include pics from the original game you're working from so that the visual "upgrade" is more readily apparent.

I hope you find this challenge interesting and worthy of participating in. Just remember - it's not a contest! The intent is to promote fun and creativity and bring something new to the imageshare.

I can't wait to see what artistic brilliance you all come up with!


  1. SirMisterBoy
    • premium
    • 54 kudos
    Ooh what a concept.

    I'll bite. Sounds like a fun event
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Have fun!
  2. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    That is a great idea , I'll try and come up with something, or rather, someone  :)
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Awesome! Glad you like the concept!
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 900 kudos
    A very cool idea! I don't use race menu or any of those mods, so I am very limited in recreating chars so not sure I will have anything to share, and time is also a factor, but I bookmarked this page in case I think of something I can manage. I tend to go the other way and make my Skyrim chars in other games.
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Thank you, Grim!
  4. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,141 kudos
    Great idea!  
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Thanks, Koza!
  5. Excellentium
    • member
    • 357 kudos
    Supercool idea!

    This will give me a reason to dust off a few of my " fantasy celebrity" characters I've created some years ago for another event running here on Nexus (hosted by myself and another lovely person). The whole idea was to bring characters from novels, video games and movies/tv-shows to Skyrim, so I do have a few set for this task. I'll see if I can re-create them somehow in Skyrim SE, because there's where I'm at now, but it's a really intriguing challenge you provide and I will do my best to take part even if I'm obsessed about playing the Pathfinder games at the moment...

    One question: are we allowed to showcase more than one beloved NPC from another game or should we stick with the one character only?
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      You can make and show off as many as you like!
  6. Olympus2917
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    Sounds quite interesting!
    I play video games since 1985 so i have a plethora of those to choose from!
    Thanks for the event!
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Awesome! Glad you like the idea, and can't wait to see what you come up with!