Recreation and Renovation - Kelemvor

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  1. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Fabulous set! A very intimidating and yet charming looking Kelemvor, just as I too imagine him from the astonishing "Mask of the Betrayer". Perfect images of the god of Death...

    I still hold that specific DLC as one of the greatest ever released, but I'm also a bit biased since I've played a lot of "Neverwinter Nights 2" (and original "Neverwinter Nights") back in the days. Probably still would too if it weren't for the "Pathfinder" games "Kingmaker" and "Wrath of the Righteous" that are more up-to-date in regards of gameplay and graphics and also holds the title of best ever character creation (the possibility to make unique characters are almost ridiculous, especially in WotR, so I'm pretty much in heaven)...

    I also wanted to mention I'm doing my best to contribute to your theme idea! I really like it and I immediately had an idea of what characters to make and from which game, but my Skyrim has been dormant lately (playing SE) and time has been spent on other things, but I'm trying to get something uploaded before the end of 15th. I'm in Sweden, so that means approximately 27 hours left for me until the deadline closes...just so that you know. Hopefully I get it all together during the time that remains...

    Edit: My contribution is now posted over on the SE side of the site: Recreation and Renovation - My contribution
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 489 kudos
      Thank you so much! :D Intimidating and charming is definitely what I see in the character myself, so I'm glad this came across in his recreation!

      I agree, MotB is probably one of the best DLC I've ever played, for so many reasons (but mostly related to the fantastic writing Obsidian did). I lost count of how many times I replayed that campaign, lol. The Neverwinter Nights games in general were my introduction to "computer D & D" and the Forgotten Realms setting overall, and so they will always be near and dear to me.

      I'm glad you found the concept of the challenge interesting, and I'll head on over to check out your submission right away!
  2. saitofutoshi88
    • member
    • 89 kudos
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 489 kudos
      Thank you!
  3. Olympus2917
    • premium
    • 199 kudos
    Kelemvor looks mighty amazing in Skyrim Auri!
    It was certainly worth the try, your time and the curses because he is so badass!
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 489 kudos
      Thank you so much, Michael! It's an awesome feeling to see your hard work finally pay off. I think the first time I saw the results in-game, it was with a mixture of shock and excitement both.

      Badassery was definitely the aim.
  4. Manjuu
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    This is amaaaaaaaaaaaazing~ <3
    1. AurianaValoria1
      • premium
      • 489 kudos
      Thank youuuuuuu! <3