Mandragorasprouts shrines and the realm of TES lore

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  1. Khermiit
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    You really did an awesome job on this brother.
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Truly appreciated bro!
      I really put a lot of work in this!
  2. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 182 kudos
    Excellent show case and beautifully done screens Mike!
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Thanks a lot Michael! Much appreciated! 
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 331 kudos
    I have seen your outstanding showcase directly after release, but had not enought time to watch and read it carefully. Now I did and it was more than worthy to come back and to enjoy it completely ... the informations about every "person" and the accessories you have choosen, the brilliant work of staging and the perfect results of every single pic ... yes, this work is absolutely outstanding.
    Very well done ... I really really like it
    Thanks a lot for sharing
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Thank you so much dear Heike!
      Such comments give me courage to continue this wonderful hobby of screenarchery!
      I really put a lot of work in this set. First i revisited the lore pages of UESP to refresh some of my lore knowledge and after that i begun searching for the appropriate mods to visualize my ideas for each Daedric Prince.
      So thanks again, i truly appreciate your kind and supportive words!
  4. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    A grand tour and showcase. I know I never visited all the shrines when I played -- just the ones with quests.
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Thanks a ton Laird!
      There is a Daedric quest for every Prince in Skyrim, although some are much more interesting than others.
    2. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      I see. Yes, I do remember several of them, but yeah, I must have forgotten the "boring" ones.
  5. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    Great set and presentation , I think you've captured the whole atmosphere surrounding them very well and those redone statues do look great indeed
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      I appreciate your words Erwin, it means a lot coming from you since your sets are always very atmospheric!
  6. Imrazon
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    Beautiful showcase 
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Thanks Gerd!
  7. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,124 kudos
    Super cool captures Michael :))
    Excellent trickery ;))
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Thanks a lot Izzy!
      Much appreciated!
  8. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
  9. Spunzelhund
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    They look gorgeous! Fantastic work
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Many thanks Andrea! Glad you think so!
  10. Darkbladewriter
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Nice set of lords and their acolytes.
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Thanks Tony!
      Glad you liked the presentation!