The Spy

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This user's image description contains 26 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 150 kudos
    Fantastic images and a very interesting new character! I like your clever use of the chandelier as a vantage point to overlook the hall. Also, the lighting in these images is incredible, setting a mood while still showing off those colorful wings from above.

    I am really liking this! And I can't wait to see where you are going with this... once Skyrim lets you know with some hints, like it sometimes does. What I mean is that for me, when I start a new set or story, Skyrim often surprises me with ideas along the way, taking me in unexpected directions.

    She would have gotten a bit of a surprise in my Dragonsreach, since I have 5 beds in each of the two balconies overlooking the hall, for 10 girls I have living there.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      The idea of this set was born, when I wanted to see  the new chandelier ingame.
      I made a link to it below the pictutes. Then I thought, it is too nice to be only a stupid interior. And then I had the idea of a fairy sitting on it ... and then I started to create a kind of fairy, but ... not the typical one.
      This is the moment, when I have started the idea of a spy ... and then ... it happened.
      Exactly as you describe ...

      At the moment I like this mischievous elf very much and I think, she wants to stay 
      on  nexus. Why not?
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Hi - I meant to reply back to you earlier, but real life got busy. Again! Plus, I am working on a few new things for Alex. I know you will be shocked to hear that.

      But I love the fact that things evolved for this set from a simple idea of testing a mod, into a new character that will hopefully return in the future. My favorite sets that I have done, always evolved from what I originally intended. My Medea (6th daughter) Christmas set certainly wasn't intended when I adopted her. But the biggest example was my 5 part gigantic "New Adventure" set that started being a simple set or two to introduce Eloise Dawnbringer. It turned into something that was so much more, including a big step in forming the relationship between me and Alex in Skyrim. While we already had history back to our first meeting in Bravil 200 years ago, we fell even more in love during that 5-part story.

      Once again I will say thank you, because you and your characters and images and stories have been a huge impact on my game.
  2. bernard54
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Unterhaltsames Set mit der kleinen "Motte" Der Kronleuchter ist vielleicht nicht das richtige Versteck (Feuergefährlich!!!Und man weiß nie wie der Schattewurf ausfällt )
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Oh, Mann ... Du hast Recht ... die Motten und das Licht ... kann echt gefährlich werden für den kleinen Schmetterling der Nacht. Und doch ... dieser Falter kann den Schatten, den die hellen Lichter machen, gut für seine Zwecke nutzen .... oder??? 

      Ich hoffe, daß sie clever genug ist ...
  3. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 403 kudos
    Reminds me of Victoria from Thief. Wonderful set.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Hmm ... I‘m sorry, but I don‘t know this game, but if the „thief“ is the name, my little one would like to play together with Victoria
  4. lesjones
    • premium
    • 159 kudos
    I really like the idea of this spy, dear Heike, and I love Rick's description of her as "mischievious", which is a perfect and very charming description I think!

    You have a wonderfully lively imagination

    The butterfly wings are superb, given her apparent gift of being able to flit about in the roof rafters and the chandeliers in order to carry out her spying.

    I'm looking forward to seeing more of this character and perhaps finding out who she is working for

    Great works!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Hello, my dear, 
      you are so right. Rick‘s description of an mischievous fairy is absolutely perfect and a good reflection of my intention for her. After this first introduction  of her, I feel, that she is so lovely and playful and so tricky, that she found a direct way into my heart. And it seems, I need to go on with her  
  5. MagdalenaA
    • supporter
    • 118 kudos
    A wonderful set. Love the idea and its realization. 
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Thank you. It means a lot, when this comes from you
  6. Karna5
    • premium
    • 296 kudos
    So wonderful :)
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      I‘m glad, you enjoyed her
  7. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Very fun and atmospheric set with this michevious little character!

    She looks really fun to play and as already been mentioned, those butterfly wings on her back gives her a mystical appearance as being something else rather than your ordinary fairie. She seems more born out of nature instead of being of the fey bloodline and those eyes are quite intimidating, even if she's a small figure. Trickster magic at hand perhaps? Or even dark spells from nature itself? Knowing you though, mysterious and magical are enough to bring another fairytale creature to life in your story sets...
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Hey Rick, your comment gives me a bright smile in my face, because you described her so well as my intention was ... a kind of fairy, but not that lovely one ... more  a mischievous one  more a trickster from nature. I‘m not completely sure, where she comes from and what her intention is, but I have a feeling for her. She is wild from the nature with a strong  bound to nature in all facettes, she has her own head and intentions and it is not possible to manipulate  her.
      I think, she is a good one, but she can be the pain in the ass of someone she don‘t like ... somehow, I have the feeling, that she offers a lot of possibilities to show her again
  8. skirymmods
    • premium
    • 127 kudos
    wings like a peacock butterfly looks soooo good.
    all images too.

    she is watching and waiting for her perfect moment to do she is there .............

    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Those wings are indeed wonderful designed and it was  fun to find a way to present them with an uncommon character.
      I‘m really glad, you like her. Thanks for leaving a comment
  9. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    great shots and intriguing story so far... wondering what the outcome shall be  😁
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Hmmm, she appeared unexpected and I have to discover, what she wants  ...
      We should follow her
  10. saitofutoshi88
    • member
    • 89 kudos
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos