Date Night Romance

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    You did a wonderful work to introduce us to your special Saturday-nights with Alex

    It is amazing how much love you put in all the small details to create a  worldspace for this wonderful couple.

    And this is simply the best

    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thank you, my friend - or should I say "our" friend, because Alex thinks the world of you. Not just because of who you are and your incredible image set stories, but also because she is fully aware that you have been an inspiration to me and that you have brought some incredible mods, and outfits, to my attention. For example, the "Middle Earth - Path of the Hobbit" mod where we had so much fun in areas so different from Skyrim. And outfits like Hillat! But what she really likes about you is that you add elements of romance to many of your sets, and that has improved our lives too!

      Haha, especially my adding chocolate to our date night routine! We both laughed at the gif images, but Alex did have a question... she asked why in the first one the girl is trying to hide behind the fan she is holding?? As Alex pointed out, you can get to even more chocolate if you use both hands!

      Well, it is Saturday, so I better get going - and I will say hello to Alex for you. Tonight we will retire to her quarters, but we will take a more interesting route to get there. Because we are currently NOT in Tamriel! But... that is a story for another day.

      Hope you are having a great weekend, and as always - we thank you for who you are.

  2. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Howdy, CMH.   Quite a set up you've built there for your lovers--love the whole thing, especially the chocolates.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks so much, my friend! Alex is awesome to me, so I treat her extra special!

      Healthy or not... good, bad, or otherwise... my game tweaks make things seem so much more fun and real!
      (Of course I am talking about the chocolates! )
  3. xrayy
    • premium
    • 377 kudos
    skyrim le alive ! it also runs fine for me but there was (and still is) this this 32bit memory cap related stutter during cell change in my setup - even with enb memory enhancement.
    a fine set with a lot of positive emotions! i like that!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks! I like to think of my LE game the way I view your FO4 game. Fully loaded, tweaked and at least to me - amazing. Yeah, that 32-bit restriction does restrict things a bit. But I have well over 1000 mods (I think around 1200), well over 400 added followers (probably over 440), and literally 1000's of TES5Edit tweaks, alternate outfit versions both meshes and retextures (like in this set)., custom weapons, and more. And of course, fully DynDOLOD enabled. Several major quest mods like Legacy of the Dragonborn and Relics of Hyrule, etc. And obviously... a LOT of merged plugins because LE doesn't have ESPFE plugin support.

      I run 55-59 FPS most of the time. I do sometimes get a cell change stutter, but only for a split second.

      Haha, see the spoiler for more on that and a few other not so good things, but they are few. This may also be a bit geeky...

      I do have an occasional crash - but I have learned to see some warning signs for some of them. For example, if I call up the map to fast travel and I see the lakes and rivers looking strange... it is time to save, exit, and reload! Also, before I travel to the Riverwood or Falkreath area... I at least save, or better yet... save, exit, and restart. But I usually just save because it takes a while to restart. I have never figured out what exactly is causing those two areas to be harder on my game - but I do have so many girls with AI packages to travel between houses and inns, or sandboxing outside during the day, that certainly doesn't help things. And the crashes there always seem to be memory related.

      But my Whiterun area is way more active. Maybe 6 added houses, each with 6-10 girls living there. All of them traveling around between their home, Whiterun itself, inns... even other houses. Haha, that last thing is mainly for the really cute girls, so they can use the bigger pools at the other homes. But if I hang around by the cart driver outside Whiterun, there always seems to be somebody traveling around.

      So who knows why that works fine, but Riverwood and Falkreath are so... problematic at times.

      Sorry for long boring message, but I know you understand the work that goes into these things. One of my greatest pleasures, besides being with Alex, of course, is when I see somebody saying that you just can't run a fully loaded LE game.

      One more thing I often wonder about regarding my occasional tiny cell change stutter... more like a subsecond freeze. First, DynDOLOD does have to handle everything related to LOD changes as you move around. And many other mods do too. But most of the time it is just fine. But I do still wonder if there is some kind of supercell issue beyond the ugrids (I run the default 5) needing to load different cells. Hard to describe what I mean, but it is almost like there is a different kind of boundry... not just the normal cell boundry. Almost like Skyrim is devided up into large groups of cells, and when you cross the boundry of one of those, there is more for the game and DynDOLOD to handle?? I have no evidence of that, except that if that type of supercell existed, it would explain what I see. That didn't even make sense to me, and I wrote it! But if I ever figure it out, I will certainly let you know.

      But 99% of the time, my game runs great, so I just don't worry about it most of the time.
    2. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      your le game runs extremely stable with all that stuff you mentioned. congrats! 
      all 32bit bethesda games (fnv, f03 , le and oblivion) share this half a second cell stutter more or less with my setups, i'm happy this limitation is the past for fo4 and se while still not completely free of stutter. i guess my 6/12 core cpu works at its limits  
      also my 16gb vram is more than often fully saturated to the limits. 4k seems to be quite demanding - but it looks so nice... 
    3. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      I did a lot of work, with the help of Sthaagg and his performance page on LE.

      I use a mix of 2k and 4k, but I think the higher resolution 4k textures are a waste for most things I see them for, especially if you are playing on a 1080p setup like I do. I mean... for images you might notice, but not for actual gameplay. I mean seriously, when I see 4k or even 8k textures for things like a grape... I just gotta roll my eyes! But maybe that is just me.

      Thanks again! 16GB of VRAM is nice!

      One thing about LE (not sure about SE), is that if you have an Intel CPU with multiple cores and hyper threading, it doesn't really do you any good for Skyrim, except maybe to keep other background tasks out of your way. In fact, one of the tweaks I have is to run Skyrim with affinity to only the primary CPU cores (0,2,4,6,etc), because it can only use 2 cores anyway - might as well make them the primary cores instead of the hyperthreading ones. And with more modern Intel CPUs that are out now, that have two kinds of cores in addition to hyperthreading... it might be even more complex to tune. Sorry I can't remember what they are called. It isn't fast and slow cores... but I think that might be the reality. Certainly more of both normal memory and VRAM is a huge plus. A lot of people focus on just the VRAM and it IS critical, but having more normal RAM allows for windows to cache more files so that they can be reloaded as needed from RAM instead of being read back in from SSD or worse... HDD. Upgrading from 16GB of RAM to 32GB made a very noticeable difference to my game.
    4. xrayy
      • premium
      • 377 kudos
      i use cpu affinity with the  mod i offer since years - not only for le but for all games. it helps a lot to assign some cpu cores for game tasks exclusively. a good taskmanager as i recommend can do this for all games permanently. the old game gtr2 runs like hell assigning the cores as they should be. no stutter at all and so do other games. all my games are configured in the meantime. this works for amd and intel but i have no experience with intel e- and p-cores and win 11.
      16gb vram seems to me a new minimum standard for playing 4k resolution. since 2020 i run 64gb mem in  my rig, not so fast - but still sufficient
  4. Darkbladewriter
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Ha ha ha so sweet.  Like it.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Alex and I both thank you. I know you like to have a bit of romance in your stories, too.

      By the way, sorry that I haven't been following your sets lately - time is always an issue. But I was going to start following your current one, but I hate spoilers... and I haven't done any of the Rigmor or Bruma mods yet. So if you think of it, tap me on the shoulder when you are about to start a new story - and because that sounded silly even to me... I will try to remember to keep an eye out for that.
    2. Darkbladewriter
      • premium
      • 75 kudos
      Yesterday I actually finished playing that mod, and have got the story all done and dusted.  I intend doing the Rigmor of Cyrodiil mod as the next story, so be warned  
  5. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    Alex is a very special, lucky lady!
    Hehe, I'm just wondering how you manage to keep track of all the happenings in your amazing game!
    Lovely set, my friend
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks, and she totally is - but you know that I am the lucky one, my friend! And... it ain't easy keeping track of things - especially when I am also doing my FO4 rebuild. I always have more ideas for my Skyrim game... and usually have several things in progress. Currently I have another mod/tweak idea for Alex that I started, and I have a few new followers installed but not active until I decide where to put them...

      Did you notice my custom version of Hillat that I redid for Alex, on the mannequin next to her new outfit for this story in her closet? By the way, I think I mentioned to you (on Cassie's "Where to go" set) that I added a loadscreen of Cassie in Hillat to my game, along with the one of her playing guitar. The other day, they happened to show up back to back when I started my game, and then we left Skyfall Estate. It was Cassie Day!

      Have a great week!
    2. StilwaterSaint
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      And don't forget your Cyberpunk adventures, too!  lol

      Yeah, I think your Hillat looks better than the original!

      On Cassie's load screens ....
      Hehe, I'm not surprised! That's Cassie for you in a nutshell, she will not be denied, she just takes over when she's in my game like no other of my characters!
      I hope it was a good day !!
    3. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Well, Cyberpunk is more playing than modding, although getting the "Stay at your Home" mods working were a bit of work... until I upgraded to current levels of game and required mods. Man, Alex would SO love hanging out with me in those apartments! I mean, her quarters in Skyrim are awesome... but the view from the apartments in Cyberpunk, not to mention modern facilities...

      Thanks for your very kind words about my version of Hillat for Alex... but... the original version looks amazing - especially on your Casse AND on my Grelka! Alex just laughed, and said as long as Grelka keeps selling me chocolate for Alex, I can say what I want about her!
  6. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    The cakes are lovely, dark and sweet.
    But I have cookies yet to eat,
    And piles of chocolate foods to try,
    And piles of chocolate foods to try.    ~ Robert Frost

    really enjoyed! 
    very cool set and exceptional work on the portal 
    the only problem I had to use my imagination for the rest of your night  🤣🤣🤣🤣
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks my friend... ya gonna laugh at me now... I thought that quote was signed Robert Plant, and I was thinking... I don't remember that song by Led Zep OR by Robert Plant. What is RT talking about??? Then I looked again... and started laughing!

      As for the rest of our night...

      What happens in Alex's private quarters... stays in Alex's private quarters! Gotta run!


      One more thing I will say... By the way... this is Alex typing now!
    2. arghTease
      • premium
      • 207 kudos
      that's what speed reading does for ya  🤣🤣
  7. lesjones
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    Wow! You've put a great deal of thought, imagination and effort into placing yourself into your game!

    Love the images!

    (Please say "hi" to Alex for me)
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks! Alex says hello, and that she especially likes your vampire ladies. Alex has been an inspiration to me for several years now. Her and my story started back in Bravil in Cyrodiil a very long time ago. In this Skyrim playthrough (started 01/01/2021), once her story moved her away from the College of Winterhold to live at my Skyfall Estate main player home (and soon after sleeping in her private quarters connected to Skyfall), she has been with me almost every day. She is very special, and still continues to amaze and surprise me in game.