Shadow of the Moon

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  1. kozakowy
    • premium
    • 1,034 kudos
    A most beautiful dark set  I love the vertical shots in particular!
  2. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    Sehr schone , dnkle bilder, das gibt einer schon ein gefuhl von 'Suspense' .
    Das letzte bild ist mein favorit. Das hat soviel atmospher, ganz toll 
  3. UnusedSadness
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Oh Mann, du hast hier ein unfassbar„schönes“ Set geschaffen! Dieser Charakter!
    Sie wirkt sounendlich jung, ja fast ein bisschen naiv …....und doch ist da
    etwas, etwas altes, wissendes – unheimliches Wissen, gefährlichesWissen.
    Ich stimme mit einigen der anderen überein: Ich weiß nichtgenau was ich von ihr halten soll.
    Ich liebe es wie du sie in Szenegesetzt hast, vor allem in dieser Aufnahme, die wirkt wie aus einerhöchst theatralischen Film- oder Theaterproduktion, (die Blätter in
    dem Lichtstrahl bringen etwas organisches in diese mächtige,
    steinerne Konstruktion – das ist so surreal)............aber du
    weißt das ich einen Faible für Menschen-leere Bilder habe, und
    deine Landschaften hier sind so hochdramatisch.
    Richtig toll gemacht– das ganze Set ist eine meisterhafte Inszenierung und erzählt
    eine Geschichte – fragt sich nur wo sie uns hinführt.Beim Anschauen dieses und auch deineranderen Sets hab ich mich immer wieder gefragt, was deine Arbeit so
    von den anderen unterscheidet und noch bin ich nicht hinter dein
    Geheimnis gekommen – aber eines ist klar: deine ganze Welt ist
    unglaublich sorgfältig und und durchdacht gestaltet. Man merkt jedem
    Detail die Mühe und Arbeit die du hineingesteckt hast – und
    trotzdem wirken deine Inszenierungen absolut natürlich und mühelos.
  4. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 401 kudos
    Fantastic work.
  5. bernard54
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Wundervolles dunkles Set (man kann nur von Dir lernen).Halte Dir alle Optionen für diesen Charakter offen...bin gespannt wie's weitergeht...
  6. respaldoshugo
    • member
    • 171 kudos
    Once again I am astounded by your wonderful fantasy, dear Heike .
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thanks a lot for watching and commenting.
      I am glad, you like my fantasies
  7. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 144 kudos
    Fantastic set of images, my friend! This set starts off dark and moody. She looks either a bit tormented or maybe she is a tormentor, and I hope that translates. Ha! I am not even sure exactly what I mean, and they are my thoughts! But her eyes have a unique look that shows there is way more to her than might be seen at first. Hmm... she might just be thinking... things are "looking up", but I am not sure at all what that might mean for her either!

    My favorites are the one with the book, and the two at the end of the set. She is either coming out into the light...  or going out into the light in the last one... what she will do next only you might now. And because I know you a bit... even you might not know yet what that will be.

    I hope some of that makes sense, I am not always good with words or with seeing things that other more artistic people might see. But one thing I do know... that last image is incredible, especially following the others! And not just because it is an awesome image, but for the meaing it might portray about new beginnings... or endings. My favorite of the set for sure!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Don ´t underestimate yourself. You are very good with words and you described very well your ambivalent emotions about Nightrunner and her intentions. And exactly this I wanted to show about her in this introduction of her.
      She is different from humans and has other values. at the moment, we can not know, where it will lead … to the good or the evil … But … what is good and what evil? Very often a question of the point of view

      And of course, you know me. I have an idea about her, but I need the little flame of inspiration to show more of her
  8. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    Done in such a tremendous way it has to be a BM post. Beautiful!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      What a wonderful compliment
      Thanks a lot
  9. Krysos1962
    • member
    • 140 kudos
    Hast Dich wohl von meinem düsteren Spiel leiten lassen, liebe Heike! (Augenzwinkern!!!) Sehr schöne Bilder!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Nach einer Weile von hübsch und niedlich, muss ich auch mal wieder die Geschöpfe der Nacht um mich herum haben. Deine Sets sind immer Inspiration
  10. NeoNord
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    We cannot see her demons but we know they must be near. We cannot see them but we can see the face that conquered them. There is beauty in her darkness  and a wildness  we mere mortals would find it difficult to understand. She lives in the darkness  for that is where the magic  of the moon resides. She has learned much from the dark, things  that cannot be learned from the light. And the darkness also lives in her  and  we can never see all there is to her for she is like the moon , half here, half somewhere we cannot see. We can see that within her  is a fire and it fuels her and consumes her or at least some part of her. That makes her more than we. Wild, unpredictable, dangerous and impossible to resist . Physically so eminently feminine  and touched by magic and again like the moon, complete in all her phases. She knows all of this and it makes her strong, confident. She knows what she knows and knows that it is more, much more  than the rest of us. She embodies  traits that seem to walk between the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court not wholly one or the other but entirely  herself.
    The setting is superb and lends much to the ambience of the set and the music, ahhhh, the music . . . it is one of the strongest forms of magic and it is sublime and fits the set so perfectly.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      My dear friend, your words to this collection are pure Poesie and reading your lines is a wonderful reward for my work. You describe the Nightrunner so wonderful, that I feel inspired to let her go next steps in the world of Skyrim and I am more than  tensed, what she will do  …  You have described her so magical and powerful and so unearthy, how it was my intention. She is not human and she follows other values of morality ….
      Yes, your words let me create a continuation … we will see, when the time will come
      Thank you