Kukri Knives and more

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  1. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    cool knives! 
    Alex is looking exceptional  😁
    Have you uprooted ole Balgruuf?  If not you better watch him,  he will be creeping up those stairs.  🤣🤣🤣🙃
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks! Always fun to add to the diversity of weapons in my game. I like these and need to decide which girls will end up with them.

      You made Alex very happy, and me too - because when Alex is happy, then I am happy! Now, I am not sure how much of your comment was based on her outfit, but I love making custom outfits for Alex, and the retexure I did on that fantastic outfit I really like. Since I made it, she has worn it several times over the past months - it is one of her favorites. And of course, only Alex gets to wear that version.

      Actually, only 3 girls use any versions of that outfit in my game. Serana has a similar one but without the gold metal parts and a slightly different color, and Wednesday Addams wears the original all black version - which seems just perfect for her. It is amazing to me how fantastic and sexy some outfits can be without showing any skin. And this one is in that category for sure.

      Balgruuf seems more interested in the wenches. He doesn't have to creep up the stairs... AND they give him whatever he wants to drink. Most of the Jarls always seemed a bit lazy to me. That all said, I know what you mean, he does seem a bit... lustful.
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Hey RT! one additional thought. For most of my 450+ girls that I have living all over Skyrim, they switch into various sleep outfits at night, as I think you know. But here, as well as at the College of Winterhold, they do not because of mixed company where the beds are.

      Can you imagine Balgruuf if they did sleep in the sleepwear that I normally have the girls wear for sleep?? He would go crazy, because temptation would be so high to go creep upstairs, but he would know any of my girls could totally kick his... butt if they caught him creeping!

    3. arghTease
      • premium
      • 207 kudos
      Balgruuf is getting Farengar to concoct a love potion for all your girls 🙃🤣😁
      Love Potion #9
    4. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Maybe I need to add a protection ward spell to the entrances of each balcony when the girls are sleeping up there!

      Also, maybe it is just me, but there is something about Farengar that always seemed a bit off to me. If I was Balgruuf, I would think twice before taking that love potion. Assuming, of course, that you meant the potion would be used by Balgruuf to make him more interesting to my girls. If it is intended for the girls to make them interested in him, he might need the help of the wenches. Since I don't have any hateful wenches, I am not sure they would be part of that plot... but... I can't say for certain that they couldn't be bribed!

      Haha, am I (or are we) getting carried away thinking about this? Yep!!

      Happy Easter, my friend!!
    5. arghTease
      • premium
      • 207 kudos
      Ferengar is going to put it in the meals so every body gets love sick & horny   🤣🤣🤣
      oh , and yes Farengar is a bit off  😁
  2. lesjones
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    A great set of images to showcase this remarkably beautifully made Kukris, but I have to say that I have never heard the Gurkha soldiers that I have met actually refer to them as "knives"...they simply called them Kukris, or Kukri (in the singular).

    I had the honour to be in the company of Gurkha soldiers whilst on board ship on our way to the Falklands conflict in 1982, and they were a more gentle and friendly race of people than you could ever hope to meet...but they all wore their Kukris with pride and by the Gods, they knew how to use them! I cannot epress my relief that they were on our side!

    Great works old mate!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks, my friend! The Falklands conflict - I vaguely remember that. So many people here have interesting real life stories and connections to things in the game world that can relate to them. To me the Kukris are just cool looking blades, that will eventually be used by a few of my girls as their primary weapons. For you, they brought back memories of your earlier life.

      Life and games, both so interesting - especially when they connect!! Hope that made sense, and I do realize that not all memories are happy ones, but still... I find it interesting.
  3. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    Looking great !

    Yao's determined expression is my fave here
    Palaces and castles mod looks pretty cool, might try it out, looks like it creates an interesting atmosphere!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thank you, my friend! Yao is fantastic, and maybe I should have used that image as the main one. I always try to decide between what the image set is for, balanced with what would make the best thumbnail image for the new images page, without giving anything away. I probably choose the wrong one quite often, and many times it comes down to a coin flip.

      Yao is one of my favorites. She does not live at my main Skyfall Estate player home, but she is placed at Elysium Estate just down the road, where some more of my favorite girls live. I will not call them 2nd tier favorites, and view Elysium as an extension of Skyfall for girls who want a bit more privacy and a less crowded environment. Yao does travel each day to Skyfall to use the underground pool there every morning. So Alex and I see her quite often on the road between Skyfall and Elysium, or at the pool when we go for a quick swim and to relax. Yao likes pools, as she spends her early evenings at the pool outside of Elysium, too!

      Palaces and Castles Enhanced is a quite amazing mod. It adds so much more to the experience you feel than just visuals, with extended areas and more. When I first installed it, it was probably way too much for my PC back then, and even now it can cause an FPS drop, especially in the Blue Palace. But check it out, and if you add the Kukri Knives too, don't forget my patch!
  4. frank213
    • premium
    • 824 kudos
    Wow, what a great set CM. I wish you a happy Easter.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Thank you, Frank! Have a great weekend and happy Easter to you too!
  5. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Not to be messed with, with a set of knives like that, great work CMH!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 147 kudos
      Especially if you dual wield them! I think we will see more from this mod author. It is always fun to test new weapons - now I just need to decide the right girls in my game that will use them. Alex and I already have our favorite weapons - even if Alex almost never uses hers unless somebody sneaks up on us.