Campfire Tales - Resistance Pt 1

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  1. ScreenArcher99
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Its hard to resist that face <3
    1. DeathbellCrownBard
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      Thorin just has the cutest face! <3
  2. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 160 kudos
    Great set! I got confused for a second, which made for an extra funny moment...

    ... because some users put dialogue before the related image (me), and some put it after. Either way is fine, but... for a second I was really surprised when Elandorr said... "woof woof" to the dog! I couldn't believe he was being nice to little Thorin. But it quickly became clear what my mistake was! But still... Hey Elandorr! Woof woof yourself!

    I am not a dog person, but Thorin is one good dog. I hope someone gave him a treat.

    And finally, any day your gang (or Alex and me) gets to wipe out some Thalmor, is a great day to me!
    1. DeathbellCrownBard
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      That was quite funny! I'll tell Elandorr to woof woof himself as well!
      I'm a dog person. My actual dog was the inspiration to add Thorin to Penny's sets. She used to be lonely in her older sets!
      I'll make sure Thorin gets a treat !