Arwen v3

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My latest attempt to make her even prettier. As per the Skyrim norm, her body had spots of dirt in previous pictures and I couldn't find a mod to make her skin smoother or, rather, cleaner. So, thanks go to DimosZargarda for posting a pic that led me to thecaptainhere's "Female Texture Mod." In my opinion, it's made quite the difference and I'll endorse as soon as I'm able. Of course, I shouldn't neglect mentioning Zalzama's "Amazing Smooth Females Complete" too, since it's largely responsible for Arwen's rather perfect (if I may be so bold) face.

Who knows, if you guys are interested I might release her as a mod, though I'd first have to figure out how to do that exactly. Well, in any case, I hope we can all agree she looks better than in my previous attempts.



  1. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
  2. Spaceritual
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    • 515 kudos
  3. OdanUrr87
    • member
    • 7 kudos

    Yes, I'm already using Detailed Lips and was giving serious thought to downloading one of your reskins. Didn't know about AEterna Circlets though, might give it a try. I'm also using High Quality Eyes and Human Eyes for Elves.
  4. Zonzai
    • premium
    • 221 kudos
    You should try detailed lips, aeterna circlets and one of my 14 nocturnal robe reskins. Also, there are a few eye texture replacers. I can't tell if you are using one but I find they help with elves a lot.
  5. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    Quite pretty
  6. OdanUrr87
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    High elf, actually.
  7. zzjay
    • premium
    • 2,896 kudos
    Is that a wood elf?
    Any way nice