Clarity Beckons - Hideaway

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You awaken, but in the darkness you cannot tell if you are really awake or dreaming. The thought briefly occurs to you that you could be dead. Someone enters the room and you instinctively try to lie still. Your eyes are shut, but you notice a low glow of light. “Don’t worry, you’re not dead.” Finally you open your eyes. The woman is standing there, the lantern that used to be at her hip now placed on a table by your bed. You see her face, and that same dirty red hair, but now she was wearing a weathered black leather jacket instead of the white-knight armor from before. Your face must have given away your surprise because she started to explain. She had been using the armor of a royal guard in order to gain access to the deepest chambers of the Bard’s College.
So, she was a criminal after all. You pull back defensively. She did not react, not even a little, as if she had gotten used to this reaction a lifetime ago. She calmly explain further that the dead bodies found in the College were not her doing, and although she would go to great lengths to get what she desired, killing humans was not something she took lightly. Humans? She could be an elf, although she did not look like any elf you have seen before. You feel oddly relieved though, that voice telling you that she is innocent, at least for the most part, was right after all. As she speaks, she consistently says words that you don’t quite recognize, almost as if she spoke another language all her life and has not quite gotten used to using the common tongue. She introduces herself as Clarity, and as you climb off of the bed of hay you start to tell her who you are, but are interrupted when she says she already knows you. You ask her how, but as she leads you out of the room, she seems to ignore your question. Determined to get at least some answers, you ask what could be so important that she would risk her life for, and how a master thief like herself could get caught doing so. She only chuckles and responds with “I am not in tafiir, master thief, and that is why I needed the armor.” You are lead into an open cavern-like room, where you recognize the pile of hay that you landed on. Suddenly you remember. What were those words she had spoken? That was the second time she had spoken that deep, rumbling language. Those words also sounded similar to the words she was speaking when just talking to you. Just who was this woman, really? You feel the urge to ask about her past, how the two of you are connected, when another thought enters your mind. Those words, Feim zii gron. Could it be? Is this woman, Clarity, the . . . Dragonborn?

Ask about her past
Clarity Beckons - Past


Ask about the Dragonborn
Clarity Beckons - Dragonborn

This image continues from:
Clarity Beckons - Follow Part 3


    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    I want to know about her past, but first I ask about those words. Dragonborn?
  2. WoodManGamer
    • supporter
    • 101 kudos
    I ask about her past.
  3. travisblade
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This is one possible decision you can make starting from a previous image "Clarity Beckons" check out the first one, and comment on your adventure!