Moonpaths Mervar Denfriend In The Waterways in Anaglyphic 3D

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f you haven't had a chance to enjoy the excellent "Moonpath to Elsweyr" mod (, you're really missing out. It adds in 11 totally new areas, the first being a trip to the jungle canyons of Elsweyr, inhabited by the Khajiit and Pahmar, then you go to a desert region with a side oasis, and end at a Topal Sea outpost. While playing the game, I would freeze the action with a console command ability, then take multiple side-by-side shots of the scene in order to find the best set. After doing a few brightness and color enhancements in Photoshop, they are then converted to anaglyph with Stereo Photo Maker. You will need anaglyphic red/cyan glasses to see the 3D aspect of the image. The best available are the ProAna specs, which can be purchased from Amazon for as little as $5 US, but the cheap paper glasses will work just fine.