sky in your eyes

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Was going to go with "Girl With Gray Eyes" but that's too literal, and New Model Army are superior to Big Country band-wise.


  1. midhras
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    Aaaargh, I've missed so many great pictures it seems. Lovely to see her in the Goddess config. For what little time I've wandered around in the world draped in your settings, I've come to love your speculars. Regulations be damned!
  2. slayerpaul
    • member
    • 61 kudos
    very nice portrait!
  3. mackty747
    • BANNED
    • 56 kudos
    Looks so beautiful
  4. solsikke737
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    She looks great...younger, but still her. So we might get to know more about how she became the Gwynhyr we know? Sounds wonderful

    And I agree...the people I've gotten to know a bit here does make this place worth coming back to. Thank you guys for that

  5. LSiwora
    • premium
    • 145 kudos
    I would love to know more about her! What a great idea you had. Yay!

    Edit: What you said is so true. I honestly didn't think that there would be so many cool and interesting people in the www. How wrong I was.
  6. anaphiel
    • premium
    • 165 kudos
    Thanks, LSiwora, that's a huge compliment! And it's been getting to virtually know people like you and Willow and Midhras and Solsikke and Jelly and way too many others are what's made it worth coming here.

    This is Gwynhyr before she was THE Gwynhyr... I'm setting up a sort of origin story with her as a much younger woman. Valdis probably would have scared her silly back then!
  7. LSiwora
    • premium
    • 145 kudos
    I'm so happy that she's back. Valdis has a "crush" on her - it's safe to say that she won't try anything though. =)

    I'm getting tired of telling you that Midhras & you have the most awesome-looking ENB settings here. It's cool to see how you two have become friends.
  8. anaphiel
    • premium
    • 165 kudos
    Midhras is currently evaluating my ENB settings to see if they're worthy of release - we're worried that the specular values might exceed EU safety regulations.


    EDIT: I actually have a special ENB config cooked up for this character and a little story starring her, and this is the first time I saw her in my usual setup. Amazing how different the game can look depending on the ENB settings.
  9. JoPineapples68
    • premium
    • 170 kudos
    Hand over your ENB settings .........IT'S THE LAW!!!

    Too much Anaphiel........Endorsed
    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    This portrait is beautiful.