Markarth Reborn

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I started a city overhaul of Markarth, this is now part of the exterior. When you pass the city gates it is a bustling market place set in a ruined Dwemer city. Planning on expanding it underground as well, with two districts. One for the poor and migrant workers in the mines, and a richer upper district where most of the Silver-blood family calls home. Do you like?


  1. asbj0813
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I already made a "total conversion"(which I'm not quite satisfied wih) but my newest project is a standalone mod, featuring an industrial quarter is linked to the original Markarth only through a simple gate located in the dock area. But I certainly also hope to be able to play my own expansion alongside your's, supernastypants, because this new Markarth overhaul is surely going to be awesome! I would happily dish my own Markath beautification mod in order to be able to play yours This teaser pic is just awesome.
    • supporter
    • 98 kudos
    Ok, now I'm twice as curious. Being a big Markarth fan, I hope you both succeed in whatever you decide to create and add it in our games without altering the fantastic identity of the place too much.
  3. supernastypants
    • member
    • 118 kudos
    XD blegh, I've made like 2 decent ones.

    I smell a future compatibility patch between our mods for the total Markarth experience :p
  4. asbj0813
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I like the idea, and the irony is, I'm doing the exact same thing

    I recently began working on an expanded industrial quarter, but also plan to make an old, ruined district, overgrown and taken back by nature. But I'll still keep an eye on you project, as this image is very interesting

    Edit: After having checked out your other mods, I'm sure you'll suceed in this project. I mean, you're a god of modding! Now, I confess myself beaten, I just hope your mod will be compatible with my expansions