About this mod
Replaces the textures for mountains in Skyrim with highly detailed, slightly darker ones.
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This file has been replaced by Skyrim High Fidelity Project - 2K Mountains Redone: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32353
which is completely compatible with 2011 Skyrim and is much more visually appealing even in spite of its lower resolution.
The title says it all.
While fiddling with Gigapixel's AI image up-scaler, I ran a few of Skyrim's textures through to see how much the program could bring out the original detail in the diffuse maps made by the game's artists. The AI did a good enough job of bringing out minor details but I realised that the textures still seemed so flat.
I wondered what would happen if I were to try making my own high fidelity diffuse maps from scratch in 8K to draw some beauty out of Skyrim's landscape. These 8K mountain textures are the result of my afternoon tangent.
I hope you enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed making them!
Technical Details/Creating the Textures
Preface: All textures were made from scratch in 8K, with some being downscaled for performance reasons (the normal and parallax maps). There was no AI "sorcery" used to create the textures, I was simply inspired by GigaPixel AI. It really is sorcery, by the way. Check the program out - it's amazing!
The diffuse maps (mountainslab01.dds and mountainslab02.dds) are both in 8192x8192 resolution and the normals (mountainslab01_n.dds and mountainslab02_n.dds) as well as the parallax maps (mountainslab0_p.dds and mountainslab02_p.dds) are in 4096x4096 resolution. I could probably make these have the same fidelity as the diffuse maps but my PC is a bit behind in the RAM and CPU department, making that an incredibly jinky, crashy, laggy process. If I ever do upgrade my PC, I'll be sure to come back to this page and update it with 8K normals and parallax maps.
If texturing is something that interests you, Adobe Photoshop CC and Bounding Box Software's Materialize are great programs to make a start with. You can find numerous tutorials and resources on the internet which allow you to learn how to make textures like mine for yourself.
What ENB am I using in the screenshots?
I'm using the latest version of Rudy's ENB with NLVA compatibility: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41482
It's the best ENB I've ever used. Period.
1. Extract the .rar file to wherever you'd like.
2. Copy and paste the contents of the "Data" folder into the Data files in your Skyrim directory which is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. However, this is dependent upon where you have chosen to install Steam and/or Skyrim.
3. If prompted, elect to overwrite any files you are asked you to.
4. Enjoy the high-res goodness!
This is where I'll upload most of my in-game showcases as well as some other content which may interest you:
I've had some adventures creating textures in the past, mostly focusing on simple projects in Minecraft which were never really published (that may change soon). I enjoy making resources like this so much and I would love it if you supported me at my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lersresources