About this mod
Once it was just a sack of blood now ......
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Changelogs
- Donations
Su aldea fue asesinada y esclavizada por vampiros.
Hoy es libre, es un vampiro pero también es una guerrera experta.
Solo vive por una cosa ... Venganza.
Note: use the translator, it's your turn.
- Body Type: CBBE / UUNP
- Class: W 2H / Unarmed
- Level up with the player
- Marriage: yes
- Is beautiful
- Location: Has been seen at Moorside Inn / Ha sido vista en la Posada El Brezal
- Adaptation of female vampire knight CBBE [Yes, it's here.]
Used Mods / Credits:
- Fair skin complexion
- Demoniac- High quality
- The eyes of beauty
- KS Hairdos - Renewal
- Hvergelmir Aesthetics - Eyebrows
craigging : These photos are amazing
newermind43 :
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37000 He
He gave me permission to create an adaptation of his beautiful armor.
If you want the additional parts of the armor ... download the original
Edhildil: He gave me permission to use some clothing resources
Note: English is not my native language.
Thanks to everyone and to the whole community.
1. If you have a project.
2. If you need help creating a modification
3. Do you have any preset you want as a follower?
Send me a message and I'll be happy to help.