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Version v1.6WIP
v1.6WIP - xx/Jul/2020:
Requiem v4.0.1
Evasion - Vexing Flanker: Updated perk effects to match Requiem v4.0.1. Illusion - Delusive Phantasms, Shadow Shaping: Updated perk condictions to match Requiem v4.0.1. Pickpocket - Misdirection: Updated perk description and effects to match Requiem v4.0.1. Smithing - All: Updated perk effects to match Requiem v4.0.1.
Version v1.4
v1.4 - 27/Apr/2020:
All versions:
Alt - Metamagical Thesis, Metamagical Empowerment: Updated description to show that this perk effects all 5 schools of Magic. Alt - Magic Resistance 2/3: Updated description to show total amount. Conj - Cognitive Flexibility: Changed summon amount from words to numbers (two → 2) Conj - Necromancy: Updated description (again >_<) to more accurately reflect strength and duration values. Illu - Master Illusion: Fixed minor derp in description. Ench - All: Updated all descriptions. Lock - Treasure Hunter: Changed wording to sound less... odd... Spch - Merchant: changed "his" to "their".
Version v1.3
v1.3 - 18/Apr/2020:
All versions:
Updated remaining Illusion perk descriptions. Added Perk Conditions to "Delusive Phantasms" and "Shadow Shaping" Perks (Requiem issue - They were missing the spell conditions required to be able to gain the perks, so you could gain the perks without having to learn the spells for them. This was counter to the rest of the Illusion perks.). Updated Conjuration - Necromancy perk description.
Version v1.2
v1.2 - 17/Apr/2020:
All versions:
Yet more descriptions updated. Also, actually remembered to update the .esp version this time. Note: Seriously, don't try typing text when you've only had 4 hours sleep, you start making derpy errors... >_<
Version v1.1
v1.1 - 16/Apr/2020:
More descriptions updated. *Hopefully* corrected all spell percent descriptions. Added expertise to lockpicking descriptions.
Requiem - Dragonborn Patch:
Changed some Editor ID's (to match Dragonborn patch).
Requiem - CACO Patch:
Perk Editor IDs updated (to match CACO patch). Conditions and Effects updated (to match CACO patch). Edited descriptions (to match CACO effects).
Version v1.0
v1.0 - 14/Apr/2020:
Perk Editor IDs updated (to match Requiem). Conditions and Effects updated (to match Requiem). Some descriptions were updated to match perk effects. Doesn't touch Marksman, OneHanded (except for Martial Arts perk), TwoHanded or Lockpicking skills.
Note: Some edited perk descriptions may not be 100% accurate, however, they still *should* provide more useful information than they normally would in Requiem.
Does not touch: Marksman, One Handed (Except for the Martial Arts perk), or Two Handed descriptions. The weapon perks in Requiem already have their own version of "defluffed" descriptions.