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GioGr LilacLight

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About this mod

Provides a clearer description of what the skill perks do in Requiem.

Permissions and credits
Requiem - Perk Defluffer, provides a clearer description of what the skill perks do in Requiem v3.4.0.

Version for Requiem v4.0.1 is considered a Work In Progress!

Currently, along with Requiem, there are also versions for Requiem - Dragonborn Patch and Requiem - CACO Patch (Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul).


Note: Some edited perk descriptions may not be 100% accurate, however, they still *should* provide more useful information than they normally would in Requiem.

Does not touch: Marksman, One Handed (Except for the Martial Arts perk), or Two Handed descriptions. The weapon perks in Requiem already have their own version of "defluffed" descriptions.

Based on Requiem Defluffing Perks by GioGr for Requiem v2.0.2, updated for Requiem v3.4.0

GioGr, Requiem Defluffing Perks
Requiem Team, Requiem
Fozar, Requiem - Dragonborn Patch
kryptopyr, Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul
schofida, Requiem - CACO Patch