About this mod
After seeing the photos of this character on Nexus, I had to turn her into a follower.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Donations

- Body Tipe: CBBE / UUNP
- Level up with the player
- Light Thief Guild Outfit Alteration = is here
- Sorceress Magic Fire Expert / Archery
- Location: Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn / Riverwood Posada El Gigante Dormido
Used Mods / Credits:
Special thanks to mr: DomainWolf + team for giving me permission to wear their tattoos and helping me.
- Community Overlays 1 (0-30) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community
- Community Overlays 2 (31-50) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community
- Antascor thanks for sharing its main character and for creating it
- Fair skin complexion
- The Eyes Of Beauty
- KS Hairdos - Renewal
- Maevan2's Eye Brows
- Edhildil: Permissions to use some clothing resources
- Photos: vihanxero1 / Antascor

Note: English is not my native language.
Thanks to everyone and to the whole community.
1. If you have a project.
2. If you need help creating a modification
3. Do you have any preset you want as a follower?
Send me a message and I'll be happy to help.