About this mod
Quality of life improvements for the book menu:
faster pages animation, configurable text size, configurable bottom bar
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
- Adjusted book position on the screen
- Faster book opening animation
- Faster page turn animations
- Configurable book/note font size
- Configurable bottom bar elements
- Compatible with any font replacer
- No more laser-printed text integrated
- No scripts or DLLs
1. This mod comes with configuration file: "Convenient Reading.ini". In this file you can: adjust books and notes distance when reading, books and notes open time, change font size in books and notes, set any bottom bar elements to hidden and change "Steal" prompt text color.
2. Mod comes with page turn and book open animations. These animations are based on vanilla ones, I just converted them to XML, changed speed parameters and sound descriptors (old "long" paper sounds are not play well with faster page turn animations) and then converted them back to HKX. The sound files are based on the vanilla ones as well.
3. The ESP file contains new sound descriptors. I decided to add new descriptors and not directly overwrite vanilla sound files for better compatibility with other mods that may use the same sounds. This ESP is needed to load the INI file as well.
In the "Convenient Reading.ini" file you have:
fBookDistance (default 105.0000): distance to the book while reading. The larger this value, the farther the book will be.
fNoteDistance (default 98.0000): distance to the note while reading. The larger this value, the farther the note will be.
NOTE: make sure to adjust the above parameters if you have changed the fDefaultFOV parameter in your Skyrim.ini or any other custom.ini file.
fBookOpenTime (default 500): time in milliseconds for book opening.
iBookFontSize (default 15): books font size. Vanilla Skyrim value is 20. You can test different values with your book font.
iNoteFontSize (default 15): notes font size. Vanilla Skyrim value is 20. You can test different values with your book font.
bHideBookBG (default true): setting it to "true" will hide the bottom bar background texture.
bHideBookPickButton (default false): setting it to "true" will hide the bottom bar "Pick"/"Steal" button prompt.
bHidePageTurnButton (default true): setting it to "true" will hide the bottom bar "Turn Page" button prompt.
sBookStealTextColor (default 0xFFFFFF): set the "Steal" text color. Set it to 0xFF0000 for red color. Never steal books by accident anymore.
Note that you need to restart the game for new setting values to load.
set bottom bar elements as you like

Font sizes: 15 vs 20 (vanilla)
works with any custom font replacer,
configurable in INI

(much smoother in game than on GIF)

This mod is compatible with most other mods. The exceptions are:
- No More Laser-Printed Text by Fhaarkas (same edits are already included)
- Immersive Bookreading by Wirodeu (same and more can be achieved with ini settings)
- Faster Book Animations by MadMansGun from LL (same animations, but mine are based on vanilla files, and have sounds)
When using with Dear Diary, let it overwrite Dear Diary files if you want to use bottom bar tweaks from this mod.
If you want Dear Diary's bottom bar background, let Dear Diary overwrite this mod.
As for other mods containing the same files, let my mod overwrite them.
Please take a look at my other UI mods:
Wider MCM Menu for SkyUI
Favorite Things - Extended Favorites Menu for SkyUI
Dear Diary - Paper SkyUI Menus Replacer SE