Cities of the North- Morthal Patch Collection
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About this mod
A collection of patches for Cities of the North - Morthal, primarily moving object placements to match the new interiors, along with a few worldspace patches. Now ported to LE.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Thanks to Janquel and team (see below for full list) for the patches!
If you like this version, please download and endorse the original mod as well.
I will be adding more ports (see below), but it'll be a little slow.
Original Mod Description (some info doesn't apply to this version):
It's me again, working at resolving potential conflicts with Cities of the North - Morthal. PLEASE check the sticky on the posts tab, please bear with me, and I hope you enjoy. Each mod which has a patch is listed below, with specific details of all changes contained. All patches are ESP flagged as ESL, unless otherwise noted. I'm certainly more experienced than last time, but I'm still a relative novice, so if you run into trouble, please let me know.
Included Patch Descriptions (edited for LE)
3DNPCs/Interesting NPCs - shifts placed objects/markers to match new interiors. Swaps some removed items which are used in scripts with ones which were newly placed by COTN Morthal. Last checked against version 3.42. You will need a new game for this to work.
Amulets of Skyrim - Moves three amulets to their appropriate locations in the new interiors. Last checked against version 4.05
Cheesemod for EVERYONE - Shifts a few added cheeses to match the new interior. Checked against version 1.0.1
Cloaks of Skyrim - Moves two placed cloaks to appropriate locations in the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.2
Clockwork - Moves the trapdoor location to match new exterior. Checked against version 1.0.3
Denizens of Morthal - Modifies a number of objects/markers to match the new interiors/exteriors. Checked with version 1.0. You will need a new game for this to work.
Enhanced Lights and FX -
references added by ELFX, which will give you the exact lighting intended by COTN Morthal. Inclusive Patch attempts to replicate the intention behind ELFX
to the new interiors, however, due to engine limitations compromises needed to be made in two of the buildings. Added Exterior Patch that moves the lights to match new buildings. Last checked against version 3.04.
The Great City of Morthal - applies the COTN Morthal exterior/interior aesthetics to the standalone Great City of Morthal. Last checked against version 1.1.2
The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns -simply master-swaps the GCoDS patch, seems to work fine, but consider this BETA. (a direct port didn't work very well, as it had NavMesh errors. Unless I'm missing something, both mods make the exact same changes to Dawnstar.) Checked against version 2.0.
Holidays - Adjusts placement of decorations/fliers in the Inn so they match the new exteriors/interiors. Last checked against version 2.0.
Immersive Laundry- Slightly tweaks placement of a few laundry items.
Kaidan 2 - Shifts a couple placed objects in Falion's house to match the new interior. BETA
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Surprisingly little. Moves the amulet/gem/markers in Falion's House to match the interior, moves fliers/drunk marker/gems in Moorside Inn to match new interior. Checked against version 19.3.01
Thrones of Skyrim - Created for use with, but does not require Thrones of Skyrim. Removes some of the surroundings of the throne added by COTN Morthal so the throne difference in Thrones of Skyrim stands out.
World Assets Recycle Project - Moves objects/references to match new interiors/exteriors. Due to nature of the changes (they're all things which factor only after quests are completed), it is not explicitly tested and should be considered in beta. Based on v1.01a. You will need a new game for this to work.
Might Port:
Better Dynamic Snow (version differs from LE, so maybe)
DX Witcher Armor (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Guards Armor Replacer (likely)
Immersive Patrols (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Immersive Wenches (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Inncredible (very likely to port)
Morrowloot Ultimate (very likely to port)
Mystic Condenser (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
No Snow Under the Roof (version differs from LE, so maybe)
Oblivion Artifact Pack (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Open Civil War (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Palaces and Castles Enhanced (very likely to port)
Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Populated Cities and Towns (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Red Flame (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Skyrim Artwork Imports (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Skyrim Immersive Creatures (very likely)
Skyrim's Unique Treasures (maybe, not familiar with this mod)
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul (very likely to port)
WiZkiD Signs/NSUTR (version differs from LE, so maybe)
Will NOT Port:
AI Overhaul SSE (not applicable to LE)
BadGremlin's Collection AIO (not applicable to LE)
Capital of Hjaalmarch (not applicable to LE)
Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul/JKs Skyrim (JK's Skyrim SE is too different from the LE version to make this patch work)
Distinct Interiors (not applicable to LE)
DX Gwelda Vampire Outfit(not applicable to LE)
Embers XD (not applicable to LE)
Finding Helgi...and Laelette (not applicable to LE)
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul (will not port, due to permissions)
JK's Skyrim (JK's Skyrim SE is too different from the LE version to make this patch work)
Keep it Clean(not applicable to LE)
Landscape and Water Fixes (not applicable to LE)
Lanterns of Skyrim II (not applicable to LE)
Mighty Morthal (not applicable to LE)
Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim (not applicable to LE)
Morthal Overhaul II (not applicable to LE)
Morthal Tree Overhaul (not applicable to LE)
Skyrim Belongs to the Nords (not applicable to LE)
Morthal's Where's Wares (not applicable to LE)
Use a mod manager/organizer to install, or drop the loose files into your
Skyrim data folder. Patches should have their appropriate masters set,
and should be loaded after any mods which they are patching. Some of the
fixes in question are on persistent objects, and may require a new
I don't believe this should introduce any incompatibilities beyond anything
which may be present between base mods. Let me know if you hit anything.
Bethesda for Skyrim Special Edition and the Creation Kit
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
JPSteel2 for Cities of the North - Morthal
Kris Takahashi for Interesting NPCs and KaptainCnucklz for keeping track of it on Nexus
mnikjom and SpiderAkiraC for AI Overhaul
UNI00SL for Amulets of Skyrim
BadGremlin for BadGremlin's Collection
SparrowPrince TechAngel85 and Brumbek for Better Dynamic Snow
Symonson for Capital of Hjaalmarch
Kinaga for Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul
aviform, EpicCrab, DoubtSuspended, PhysicsFish, and Daniel Hodge for Cheesemod for EVERYONE
Nazenn for Cloaks of Skyrim
Antistar for Clockwork
Lollia for Denizens of Morthal
Sokkvabekk for Distinct Interiors
DeserterX for DX Gwelda Vampire Outfit and DX Witcher Armor
mindflux for Embers XD
anamorfus for Enhanced Lights and FX
SomethingObscure for Finding Helgi...and Laelette
soldierofwar for The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns and The Great City of Morthal
Gardden for The Great Cities of JKs North
NordwarUA and DanielUA for Guards Armor Replacer
isoku for Holidays
Shurah for Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul
nerdofprey for Immersive Laundry
Scrabbulor for Immersive Patrols
lordkoz for Immersive Wenches
NeverlessWonder for Inncredible
Jkrojmal and Teabag86 for JK's Skyrim
livtempleton for Kaidan 2
Sthaag for Keep it Clean - A Bathing Mod
wizkid34 for Landscape and Water Fixes and Lanterns of Skyrim II
icecreamassassin, SirJesto, and the LOTD team for Legacy of the Dragonborn
mathy79 for Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim
MightyNINE for Mighty Morthal
ChocolateNoodle for Morrowloot Ultimate
mnikjom and Bowgun for Morthal Overhaul II
zDas for Morthal Tree Overhaul
Dave0523 for Mystic Condenser
Prometheus for No Snow Under the Roof
Oblivionzero for Oblivion Artifact Pack
simtam for Open Civil War
SetteLisette for Palaces and Castles Enhanced
GSA2011 for Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental
the Sands of Time team for Populated Cities and Towns
Adolon for Red Flame
SenterPat for Skyrim Artwork Imports
fr15827 for Skyrim Belongs to the Nords
clintmich and icecreamassassin for Skyrims Unique Treasures
lifestorock for Skyrim Immersive Creatures
gutmaw for Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul
kelretu for Thrones of Skyrim
WiZkiD for WiZkiD Signs
AndrealphusVIII, TheBxushis, and SkyLover264 for World Assets Recycle Project