A patch for Requiem and Nether's Follower Framework, which allows for Requiem's more advanced follower features (basically just lockpicking) to identify followers present in additional follower slots added by NFF. ( backported from SSE version by JazzKiwifruit )
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Author notes
Same perms as original SSE mod
File credits
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/51916 by JazzKiwifruit
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Permissions of that mod allow it and author in comments approved the backport.
I simply recreated the SSE esps edits into a new esp as form 43, it appeared I was lucky as filenames, formids, quests etc all were exactly the same from SSE to LE and scripts seem to translate 1:1.
I tested that it works with requiems follower lockpick prompt with an NFF follower, beyond that I hardly tested at all, because this was mostly done as a quick favor for ultimateskyrim users, and I am not completely familiar with the inner workings of either Requiem or NFF or even Oldrim lol.
Please test this and tell me if it works like the SSE version does, if it does not, ill fix it.
Requires Requiem, and all of its requirements, and Nether's Follower Framework, which became hidden on the Nexus as I was uploading, c'est la vie.