File information
Created by
wSkeever Ported by TheCinderflyUploaded by
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About this mod
A quest where you can join the Penitus Oculatus after the vanilla "destroy the dark brotherhood" quest and get all the rewards.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish
- Changelogs
- Donations

Description from Original Mod
After you complete the quest "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!", you can join the Penitus Oculatus by speaking to Commander Maro.
As a Penitus Oculatus agent, you can complete the following radiant quests from Commander Maro:
- Steal documents from the Thalmor
- Assassinate troublesome Thalmor agents
- Kill rogue Penitus Oculatus agents
- Assassinate Thalmor collaborators
- Kill remnant Dark Brotherhood assassins
- Kill Babette.
- Kill Cicero.
- Gain access to the Dawnstar Sanctuary and clear out the remaining members.
- Kill Amaund Motierre and Rexus.
- Jeweled Amulet
- Olava's Token
- Ancient Shrouded Armor
- Cicero's Journal
- Jarrin Root
- Gourmet's Writ of Passage
- Windshear
- Wedding Wreath, Wedding Sandals, and Wedding Dress
- Emperor's Robes
- Cicero's Clothes
- Gilded Wristguards
- Muiri's Ring
- Nightweaver's Band
- Firiniel's End
- Gain access to both Falkreath and Dawnstar Dark Brotherhood Sanctuaries, converted for Penitus Oculatus occupation.
- Obtain an optional follower.
- Free torture victims and be rewarded.
- If you are upgrading to versions 0.13.0 or higher from any lower version,
please make sure don't have "A Nest of Vipers" quest active. I have moved the locations of artifacts, and upgrading during this quest might lock you out of these rewards. - If you are upgrading to versions 0.10.0 or higher from any lower version, please make sure you do not
have any Penitus Oculatus quest active other than "Penitus Oculatus." Upgrade the mod after you have cleared these quests from your quest log. - After upgrading, clean deleted scripts with FallrimTools.

Thanks wSkeever for another great mod :)