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A Victorian/Gothic/Noble sort of rendition of Serana. High Poly Head.

Permissions and credits
This is a backport of Serana Victorian Goth Girl Edition (High Poly) mod thanks to open permissions from the author. The description below is from the original mod. 

Tried to go for a slightly different approach on Serana with this replacer. A VIctorian, gothic, noble, sort of rendition of Serana. Pretty happy with the end result. 

Does not change Serana's outfit. I recommend Regnante Animations along with some of the dresses it supports to make Serana look and walk regal. 

Uses your default skin textures and body meshes. She uses a really light skin color so skin texture mods that are paler will make her look paler, etc. I also used default eye textures for eyes except for the eye color itself. I try to use vanilla paths for most things so that it makes use of your textures and meshes better with your other NPCs. 


Koralina's Eyebrows for High Poly Head I also used some of Koralina's makeups for creating the tintmask. Koralina's Serana replacer is amazing.

Eyes of Beauty AI Remastered LogRaam for the original and wammy for the great AI remaster

KS Hairdos Kalilies and Stealthic

High Poly Head KouLeifoh