I did not like the brown tones of the Krosis mask and hood, so I've made a number of replacements based on my own ideas, and a few requests from comments. I have simply replaced the hood/mask file with other available in-game, sharpened the textures, and done some pallet work for different highlights and adding eye glow to some versions. The hood file is the same as the dragon priest helm(not dragonpriesthelm utra), so it can be used to change that texture as well. The files are as follows:
The original mod file is a black hood with gold highlights, and the original bronzeish Krosis mask still in place but with a slight purple glow in the eyes. I have also provided a version called Krosis- BlknoGlw that is the same, but with no glow.
**NEW!!**BlackMaskRedGlw- This is the retextured black mask, with a red glow in the eyes. Use this file with the hood file from any of the other versions to achieve your desired hood/mask color combination.
**NEW!!** WhiteRedAccent- This is a retextured hood to white, with dark red accent. Includes a white mask. Matches well with Assassin's Creed retextures that have been posted.
Krosis All Blk No Glow: This file is the original hood retexture to black w/ gold accents, but with a black mask instead of the bronze one. It has no glow in the eyes.
Krosis- AllblkwGlw: This file is the original hood retexture to black w/ gold accents, but with a black mask that DOES have the purple eye glow.
Krosis BlueAccent: This is the hood retexture but with dark blue accent instead of gold. Includes black mask with no glow.
Krosis DarkgreyAccent: This is the hood retexture but with a dark grey accent and black mask, to better fit with the nightingale set or any other purely black armor.
Krosis Brotherhood Match: This file is the hood retexture with dark red highlights so it matches with the Dark Brotherhood armor set. The file includes a black mask, but with no eye glow.(The picture shows it with eyeglow...the file posted here does not have glow. If you want glow like in the pic, just DL one of the other files that includes glow, and replace the bronze helmet DDS in this file, with the one from glow file).