About this mod
Soul Reaver - the epic weapon from the games Soul Reaver and Legacy of Kain, now available in its Spectral form as bound, static enchanted and unenchanted 1H sword. Seven colors/variants. An LE port
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Soul Reaver Spectral Swords
for Skyrim SE.
All images and the text below is a copy of the original SE post.
From this moment and ever afterwards, you and this blade are inextricably bound. Soul Reaver and the Reaver of Souls - your destinies are intertwined.
- The Elder God, SR1
Now available in Skyrim for your nostalgic role play!
The sword comes in 7 differently colored variants that are, hopefully, at least somewhat connecting Skyrim and Nosgoth:
- Shadow Reaver
- Light Reaver
- Frost Reaver
- Fire Reaver
- Storm Reaver
- Blood Reaver
- Wraith Reaver
These variants have their own unique enchantments on Bound Reavers and Enchanted Reavers:
- Shadow Reaver: absorbs health and slows enemies
- Light Reaver: damages undead/vampires and absorbs magicka
- Frost Reaver: ice and stamina damage, and weakness to ice
- Fire Reaver: fire damage and weakness to fire
- Storm Reaver: shock and magicka damage, and weakness to shock
- Blood Reaver: absorbs health and causes bleeding
- Wraith Reaver: may cause paralysis, absorbs stamina
With improvements in One Handed and Conjuration skills, the damage and abilities of Bound Reavers will grow.
Enchanted and unenchanted Reavers can be tempered on the sharpening wheel.
Unenchanted Reavers can be enchanted however you like.
Enchanted Reavers are permanently enchanted (the enchantment doesn't get drained with use).
These swords are classified as glass weapons.
* All the swords are using a unique sound set when you swing the blade - derived from the Soul Reaver sound from Legacy of Kain: Defiance.
>>> You can hear the original sword sound here
All the items can be found in the first room of the Excavation Site in Understone Keep, Markarth. Just go straight on from the entrance and climb the rubble, the containers are there - a dwemer dresser and a dwemer chest, both unlocked. Refer to featured images.
To access this area, you have to accept Calcelmo's quest to kill Nimhe, and he'll give you the key. Completing the quest isn't required to get to the items.
The Chest contains the swords, while the Dresser contains the books.
You'll get unique Spell Books for every variant of the Bound Reaver, two of each in case you'd like to keep a copy on bookshelves in your player home. There is also the "manual" for Soul Reavers, which will more easily provide info about all swords.
If you don't want to hassle with picking up the items, you can transfer them all into your inventory with the use of Additem Menu.
The reasoning behind the location:
Featured in images:
Raziel Soul Reaver Full Body Armor - recommended for a super-immersive gameplay ;)
Raziel Vampire Armor
Without these authors' work, Spectral Soul Reavers wouldn't have been possible! If you appreciate the mod, consider giving these modders support/endorsement.
- The original sword hails from The Soul Reaver Redone by Spazthemax. I have adjusted the mesh, edited the UV map and enhanced the textures.
- All Bound weapons' effects, meshes and textures are derived from the resource mod Colorful Bound Weapons SE ENB Light by CyborgArmGun. I have adjusted the meshes, light colors, textures and enchantments to work with the Soul Reaver.
- Books' textures and meshes are originally vanilla, with my addition of edited and adjusted images of Soul Reaver symbols and spells.
- Original SE mod by Katarsi
- Port to LE by ZanderAlchemist