File information
Created by
Made by agentw and ported by turtlegodkingUploaded by
turtlegodkingVirus scan
About this mod
This is a port of agentw's Stony AF Markarth and Dwemer Ruins - Retextures in 2K and 4K mod.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
If there are any issues let me know
Credits to agentw for making the original mod.
About this port:
This was not tested in game because of HDD failing sometimes when running Skyrim.
It should however work correctly as it was done the same way as every other texture/mesh mod.
About this mod:
The original author (And me) recomends you install Ancient Dwemer Metal as this does not cover the metal and is compatible with it.
Note from Turtle about the HDD:
80% of the HDD has been cleaned off and all the Skyrim mods/ports have been backed up so my non-uploaded stuff should now be fine.
So if the HDD does sh*t the bed there is around 40-60 non-uploaded mods, ports and patches that are waiting on permssions.
If I am really lucky a full wipe and format may make it work somewhat correctly again but I really do not think it will.
Here is a link to my Patreon if you want to help raise money for a replacement and thank you to anyone in advance.