About this mod
This mod replaces the vanilla Female Vampire Armor with a redesigned model.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
If you like it please ENDORSE :)
If you love it please DONATE :)
1. Description:
This mod replaces the vanilla Female Vampire Armor with a redesigned model. All three color versions are being replaced:

The package consists of:
- the armor replacer esp models and textures
2. Known issues (PLEASE READ BEFORE USING!!! ):
- there's no weightslider compatibility
- some minor clipping may occur but this rig is the best I can ;)
- female only
- no gloves
- vampire boots are replaced with higher ones, so other vampire armors can look a bit strange
3. How to get it in game:
- just install the mod and the armor should be replaced right after that
4. Installation:
- I suggest using MO or NMM, you can also extract the package manually, but that is not advised.
5. Uninstallation:
- again I suggest using MO or NMM or you can remove the .esp file and mod's files
6. Terms of use:
- You are not allowed to reupload this mod to other sites without permission.
- You have to ask me first if you want to use any part of this mod in your own such as follower mod, mashup mod, etc.
- You have to ask me first if you want to convert the outfit to other bodies.
- You have to ask me first if you want to recolor/retexture the outfit.
- You are not allowed to publicily share any your modification of this mod, private sharing is allowed.
- You are not allowed to convert this outfit to other games.
If you have any questions please ask.
7. Special thanks:
To serkethetyt for preparing the SSE version, testing and programming the fomod. Also we have some wonderful images by her in the mod gallery!
To Trollbane Server members. They provided some space online for sharing my ups and downs.
To all my Habsburg Patrons for supporting the creative process so thoroughly.
8. Community thanks:
BlackMaid, Ista3, polingc, lesjones, klaxoid, Roksa, ajhardy, Zerofrost, zzjay, Nataly1q2w3e4r5t, misslexi, Beba, gurleygirl, dianka33, DonProtein, antistar, Bison1967, Vlade717, Sparrowjuice, ShinglesCat, anaphiel, FastBlackCat, Excellentium, Kayol, Kalilies, Pandorable, RaenielCuthalion, popkorn666, sorca97, Artsick, Dovahkiinathay, serkethetyt, Thesarantis, 4l3nZ4R, ThatMrSmile, ANative, ArchMageLilithianna, lord911, acpanda, julia0105, asylumrat90, SpiderBob12, AnnaMary, 2xGHoSTx2, dovalady1995, SomewhatWindy, Xtudo, GTXFan, Liadys, skywolle, Khermiit, Mr.Kinkku, Ankay, CroNoctem, Mila Stavetskaya, Liadys and so on... :)
I'm always grateful for supporting and inspiring me all the time.
9. Patreon thanks:
Aleksandar Ostojić, N7trooper, Diana L, Nicklas Bartels, Dafydd Jones, Bangin, attacko, xmyyyds2021, Caleb, Beermotor, Primogen, Joshua, Andy Lim, Nathanael Nebula, Dion Soelystio, Rose Crowe, Narada Thomas, kimosutra, Grammar Nazi, Byron Vaught, Kaylea Evans, Michael Reynolds, Mykela Bolar, Bogsidetrix, Novelyst, Rory Lustermans, Alessandro, Bery, Lele, Alea Weeks, Mind YaBusiness, PCG221, Jessie Cooper, Daisy, Dawn, Crochunter88, Terence Prizzie, WhiteRaven856, lea, Maya Forster, Aerin Howard, Luna Wang, Scooter, Shereena, Daniel Lauren, Andrzej Gieralt, Mickei, Bravis219, ReedMaethiks Baumii, Eroeh Aurelia, N A, Christer Holand, Montrealporter, Ethereal, Chris, eyal shahar, [email protected], mj, Tani, Nic Graham, Benjamin M Joffe, Ivan Magalhães, Alexxia, Uli, Liadys, Austin Pacheco, Sin'atra, Alyssa-lilly Tremblay, acpanda <3, MQpatzn <3, sampiric <3, cuyima <3, Mhermes <3, 2xGHoSTx2 <3, Rowen Ashenoak <3, James <3, red4716 <3, Andrew Grabauskas <3, Rianvo <3, Y.M <3, Michael Stovall <3, Sforza666 <3, ArchMageLilith <3, Tinaa Slobodnik <3, Rae Emm <3
10. Videos
A beautiful showcase made by Odysseus Gaming.
A nice compendium made by redshift