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About this mod

This mod aims to fix the bones from the Bone Collector perk in Ordinator.

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So, I absolutely LOVE playing a necromancer. Most of you know this. I also love Enai's Ordinator perk overhaul, HOWEVER.....Bone Collector....

I always felt the bone WEIGHTS were a bit on the heavy side, especially after playing with Perkus Maximus and seeing its values.  So I made a simple plugin that changes those 11 needed bone items when you go to construct your skeletons, so that those who also play this style(or others who use the Bone Collector part of the tree) won't become......"over-cucumbered...." on characters with low carryweight or don't invest in stamina whatsoever like I do with them.  ;)

List of the 11 bones & weights:

1) Spine - 0.5

2) Ribcage - 1.0

3) Left Arm - 0.15

4) Right Arm - 0.15

5) Left Foot - 0.25

6) Right Foot - 0.25

7) Left Hand - 0.15

8) Right Hand - 0.15

9) Left Leg - 1.25

10) Right Leg - 1.25

11) Hip Bone - 0.35

These are the adjusted values now, so I hope they are helpful to you all. As much as I loved what Perkus Maximus is as an overhaul, Ordinator is way more mainstream and used today

INSTALLATION:  Install with your mod manager and load after Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.

"The black wind begins to blow...."

-Magus80, Northern Kingdom