File information
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Author Pulcharmsolis - My version by XtudoUploaded by
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About this mod
My port of this amazing armor mod. Adds an unisex Imperial themed light armor set and a weapon. 4K-2K-1K.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
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My ported LE version of this amazing mod.
- Non-HDT.
- 4 new light armor items, 1 cape and 1 weapon.
- You can craft all items at any forge, Advanced Armors Perk required.
- Optional Helmet See Trough Eyes patch. Requires one of the Main files installed first.
- A new loading screen may be displayed while you are in Falkreath Hold.
My fixes and tweaks
It includes my fixes and tweaks to the original mod:
- Full beast races support for the helmet.
- New more feminine female helmet version, it was the male version before.
- Fixed cape model and textures.
- Fixed weight 100 female gloves and boots.
- Fixed first person female armor model.
- Amulets are now concealed.
- Added missing blood decals to the axe.
- Improved collision of all ground items.
- Fixed the invisible ground armor item.
I made it for my game and now I'm sharing it, I hope you like it.
- SE-AE version here.
- Pulcharmsolis for his wonderful work.
Especial thanks
- To Pulcharmsolis and to my lovely Patreons and supporters.
Please support me on Patreon.