About this mod
Tartaross. I have put you as the author! All credits goes to you, don't get mad on me, pretty please!
Thank you.
Original mod here:
- Permissions and credits
This mod adds two brand new, Jyggalag inspired swords to the world of Skyrim, namely a classic bastard sword in a 1 handed and 2 handed variant.
Today I would like to share my newest retexture/weapon with you, which is the "Ordinem, Swords of Jyggalag". Since I am pretty limited when it comes to meshes, I concentrated on what I partially have some knowledge in, retexturing a model that I found on the Nexus and that had the correct permissions stated in the description or that I have gotten permission for.
This mod adds two brand new, Jyggalag inspired swords to the world of Skyrim, namely a classic bastard sword in a 1 handed and 2 handed variant. I tried to go with a lot of symmetrical shapes and patterns to represent order.
The damage-values are the same as with ebony-weapons, so you can use it till the end, basicly :)
To get your hands on this weapons, you have to craft it at the forge. It is available under the Ebony-Section as soon as you have Steelsmithing unlocked.
Allright, I hope you like my sixth addition to the awesome selection of mods the Nexus has to offer and maybe play a bit with this weapon. And if you have them pictures to share, I would be very happy to see my stuff in action! :)
If you like this mod, PLEASE ENDORSE it :)
Zikoru for giving permission to use his assets as long as credit is given! You are on awesome fella :) I used assets from:
Bethesda for Skyrim and the Creation Kit
Please do not upload this mod to any other sites, THIS IS A NEXUS EXCLUSIVE
If you would like to use parts of this mod to make something new, please contact the authors of the original files first if needed. My permission is granted, as long as don´t sell anything others made for your own work :)
If you want to feature this mod in a video, or upload non-"adult" photos, go right ahead, you already have permission