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AceeQ - TheBone98

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About this mod

Standalone version of the grass offered by the amazing Enhanced Landscapes.

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Choosing a grass mod is never easy, especially because there's a lot of them and one could not like only one type of grass in a particular region; things get even more difficult when you are a vanilla "purist" like me, since most mod authors naturally have their own take of grass which usually strays too far from the original look and - especially - colour palette. I found that Enhanced Landscapes has the most vanilla-looking grass on the Nexus (so far), but the author removed it from his latest version and ultimately stopped the support of the entire mod. So, long story short, I decided to release a grass only version of it, 'cause I feel it might come in handy to someone one day, as other authors have already done with other parts of Enhanced Landscapes (water lilies, rocks...).

Pretty simple: only the grass plugin of the original Enhanced Landscapes (version 1.65), the only difference is that I delated ug2_smallpebbles.nif and ug2_smallpebbles_snow.nif because they looked too ugly and outdated. NOTE: this is my first time trying to do something like this, let me know if something's wrong! Also, I couldn't find a Complex Grass patch of the original mod, so it's not included unfortunately, but it still looks pretty damn good in game!

As I already said, I'm not the original author of Enhanced Landscapes, so I wanted to thank AceeQ for his amazing work and his free permission, go endorse the original work! I'd also like to thank all other authors that I mentioned for their amazing contributions in the green-side of Skyrim.