A few modified followers I made and thought someone might like them. Some cosmetic changes as shown in the pictures but most of the work is under the hood. These replace the original followers and any quests required to gain them as a follower are still required as far as I'm aware. All are essential, can be married and should level all the way from 1 to 100 at the same rate as the player. Perks in relevant trees are enabled, as are spells. Briefly tested all of them, think I've ironed out the bugs but if anyone finds any just let me know. Anyone can use or modify these for anything they want up to and including making whisky.
Adelaisa (War Veteran) - Windhelm Docks
Main Skills - One-Handed (Mace), Heavy Armour, Block.
Lesser Skills - Restoration, Light Armour.
Special - Unrelenting Force, Lady Stone, Imperial Racial.
Aranea (Combat Caster) - Shrine of Azura
Main Skills - Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration.
Lesser Skills - Restoration.
Special - Fire Breath, Atronach Stone, Dark Elf Racial.
Annekke (Hunter) - Darkwater Crossing
Main Skills - Archery, One-Handed, Stealth, Light Armour, Sneak.
Lesser Skills - Block.
Special - Animal Allegiance, Lady Stone, Nord Racial.
Borgakh (Dualist) - Mor Khazgur
Main Skills - One-Handed (Sword), Archery, Light Armour, Alteration.
Lesser Skills - Sneak.
Special - Marked for Death, Serpent Stone, Ork Racial.
Cosnach (Macemaster) - Markarth
Main Skills - One-Handed (Mace), Two-Handed (Mace), Heavy Armour, Block.
Lesser Skills - Archery.
Special - Whirlwind Sprint, Tower Stone, Breton Racial.
Derkeethus (Illusionist) - Darkwater Pass
**I had to put this one near the top of my load order to get it to work**
Main Skills - Illusion, Destruction (Runes), Sneak, Light Armour.
Lesser Skills - Restoration.
Special - Dismay, Shadow Stone, Argonian Racial.
Eola (Offensive Conjurer) - Markarth
Main Skills - Conjuration (Undead), Destruction (Frost), Restoration.
Lesser Skills - One-Handed (Dagger), Light Armour, Sneak.
Special - Cannabalism, Ritual Stone, Breton Racial.
Erandur (War Priest) - Dawnstar
**Only replace if your going to use him as a follower as he now can't be killed.**
Main Skills - Restoration, One-Handed, Destruction.
Lesser Skills - Block.
Special - Become Ethereal, Apprentice Stone, Dark Elf Racial.
Faendal (Scout) - Riverwood
Main Skills - Archery, Light Armour, One-Handed, Sneak.
Lesser Skills - Block.
Special - Animal Allegiance, Shadow Stone, Wood Elf Racial.
Ghorbash (Soldier) - Dushnikh Yal
Main Skills - One-Handed (Sword), Archery, Light Armour, Block.
Lesser Skills - Sneak.
Special - Ice Form, Lord Stone, Orc Racial.
Golldir (Guardian) - Hillgrund's Tomb
Main Skills - One-Handed (Mace), Heavy Armour, Block.
Lesser Skills - Archery.
Special - Call of Valour, Lord Stone, Nord Racial.
Illia (Defensive Conjurer) - Darklight Tower
Main Skills - Conjuration (Banishments), Alteration, Restoration.
Lesser Skills - One-Handed.
Special - Marked for Death, Atronach Stone, Imperial Racial.
Jenassa (Dual Dagger Assassin) - Whiterun
Main Skills - One Handed (Dagger), Sneak, Light Armour, Archery.
Lesser Skills - Alteration.
Special - Elemental Fury, Shadow Stone, Dark Elf Racial.
Kharjo (Mercenary) - Khajiit Caravan
Main Skills - One-Handed (Sword), Two-Handed (Sword), Light Armour, Heavy Armour.
Lesser Skills - Archery.
Special - Whirlwind Sprint, Lord Stone, Khajiit Racial.
Lob (Ranger) - Largashbur
Main Skills - Archery, One-Handed (Axe), Light Armour, Sneak.
Lesser Skills - Block.
Special - Animal Allegiance, Lord Stone, Ork Racial.
Marcurio (Possessed Mage) - Riften
Main Skills - Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration, Restoration.
Lesser Skills - Illusion.
Special - Become Ethereal, Apprentice Stone, Imperial Racial.
Mjoll (Paladin) - Riften
Main Skills - Heavy Armour, One-Handed (Sword, guess which one), Block, Restoration (Turn Undead), Alteration.
Lesser Skills - Light Armour.
Special - Bane of Undead (like Dawnbringer), Steed Stone, Nord Racial.
Ogol (Defender) - Largashbur
Main Skills - One-Handed (Axe), Heavy Armour, Block.
Lesser Skills - Archery.
Special - Ice Form, Tower Stone, Orc Racial.
Roggi (Spellsword) - Kynesgrove
Main Skills - One-Handed, Destruction (Cloaks), Heavy Armour, Restoration.
Lesser Skills - Block.
Special - Vampiric Drain, Serpent Stone, Nord Racial.
Stenvar (Axemaster) - Windhelm
Main Skills - Two-Handed (Axe), Heavy Armour, One-Handed.
Lesser Skills - Archery, Block.
Special - Elemental Fury, Atronach Stone, Nord Racial.
Sven (Bard) - Riverwood
Main Skills - Illusion, Alteration.
Lesser Skills - One-Handed, Archery.
Special - Dismay, Kynes Peace, Imperial Racial, Nord Racial.
Ugor (Dual Beserker) - Largashbur
Main Skills - One-Handed (Axe), Light Armour, Sneak, Archery.
Lesser Skills - Block.
Special - Whirlwind Sprint, Nord Racial, Ork Racial.
Utgerd (Mace Maiden) - Whiterun
Main Skills - Two-Handed (Mace), Heavy Armour, One-Handed (Mace), Block.
Lesser Skills - Archery.
Special - Ice Form, Steed Stone, Nord Racial.
Vorstag (Barbarian) - Markarth
Main Skills - Two-Handed (Axe), Light Armour, One-Handed (Axe), Archery.
Lesser Skills - Block.
Special - Unrelenting Force, Steed Stone, Nord Racial.
Derkeethus - Not sure if I've fixed his habit of getting lost, needs checked.
Erandur - If you choose to kill him at the end of the quest use the "setessential 0" console command to make him mortal first.
Version History
Version 0.9 - Added 6 more Followers. Added image tags.
Version 0.8 - Rebalance for Adelaisa and Eola.
Version 0.7 - Finally fixed gap in neck of Jenassa.
Version 0.6 - Added 6 more Followers. Altered descriptions a little.
Version 0.5 - Fixed Racial Powers not working on some Followers (I hope). Corrected some description errors and spelling mistakes.
Version 0.4 - Fixed Doomstone bonuses not working on some Followers (I hope).
Version 0.3 - Added 6 more Followers.
Version 0.2 - Fixed Jenassa neck seem.
Future Plans
Modify the remaining non-faction Followers.
Maybe add some new Followers to the lone inns dotted around Skyrim.
Maybe do Housecarls and Dogs.
Combine all into one .esp when finished.
Open to additional ideas.
Mods Used in screenshots:
Skyrim NPC Editor 0_73 by foretrenty
Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE- (SLIM) by Caliente
Better Females by Bella (No Shine) by BellaGail
Dragon Warrior Effects 15 by PixelMurder
Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized by Vano89
Dovahkiin Hideout by Shawk
Also Recommended
Level Curve Rebalance - Higher Level Cap