About this mod
Alchemy Interactive compiles all ingredients into a sortable database, and allows you to exclude or include ingredients as desired. I also included the origional project, which is a list of all brew-able potions.
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- Changelogs
Alchemy Interactive compiles all ingredients into a sortable database, and allows you to exclude or include ingredients as desired. You can use it to find the most valuable potions available for your selection of ingredients; it is designed those of you who are looking to brew to make some money. Everything is normalized for 100 skill and no perks/enchanted items.
As far as I know there are currently no bugs, but if you find a mistake or something missing, pm me and I'll fix it.
I did not use any of their work, but Bob's Alchemy Database, Alchemy Assistant, and Alchemy Helper are certainly worth checking out as well, but as far as I know, they do not currently provide you with value, and they require you to input the potions yourself, so Alchemy Interactive is different.
Main file includes the .exe and excel file necessary to make it work. Supporting files are the source code as a Visual Studios solution directory, and the origional text file.
To install, just decompress both into the same directory and run the exe.
Usage instructions and tips:
Once the form comes up, click the "read in" button on the top left. This will read all available effects and ingredients from the excel file (which can be edited to add in modded effects). This will take a minute or so.
Once this is done, the ingredients will be displayed on the left and and the available potions will be shown on the right. To remove potions containing a certain ingredient, remove the check on the ingredient in the ingredient list (this will take a moment, it should disable extra clicks but currently this is iffy, so only double-click). To add it back in, do the reverse.
The potions are automatically sorted by value, but clicking at the top of a column should sort that column. Hitting the Write List to HD button will write out the list as a text file (myPotions.txt) designed to be read into a spreadsheet delimited by semicolons.
The potions 1_1.rar file contains:
- "Potions 1.1 .txt"- This is the output from the program, it is made to be put into excel by using semicolons as deliminators.
- "skyrim alchemy.xlsx" -This is a source file derived from information from the database at the Unofficial Elders Scroll's Pages wiki. Specifically, the list of ingredients and list of effects.
- "Source Code for Potion List.vb" - Obviously this is the source code for the visual basic program I wrote. Feel free to look at it and modify/fix/enhance it as you want; you'll need excel object reference and properly named classes and objects. If you need help, pm me.
- "Potions 1.1 .xlsx" - This is a compiled excel document sorted by potion value to show the most valuable potions you can brew (or sort however you want).
EDIT: The list is compiled by selecting ingredients in order and then selecting new ingredients from the effects that the current ingredients have. I found a bug in my method for forcing uniqueness in the ingredients that caused the third choice to miss some options. This has been fixed.
To do:
Things I'll implement if people actually want it:
-Add in perks and skill. This will be especially important if you have the perk that gets rid of bad effects (I don't actually know what this does to the price, but I'm guessing it drops)
-Be able to input current ingredients automatically. If anyone knows how to do this from memory or a saved game, please let me know.
-Speed the thing up, it is like molasses at times.
-Improve sorting by ingredient.
Thing I'd love to see done and would be willing to help with, but doubt I can do on my own: implement something like this or Bob's Alchemy Database in the potion creation menu in game. It's flash, so I know it can be done, it just may not be easy.