About this mod
Improved race descriptions for the character creator, aiming to improve immersion and make role-playing easier.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
The new descriptions all offer three things:
- General characteristics of the race (homeland, perhaps history, perhaps attitude)
- Information about racial abilities (though without using the names of such skills)
- Some observation about the race as seen in Skyrim
Obviously, I try to avoid spoilers, but I feel it is useful to know something about the High Elves (for example), their role in the Great War, and the Thalmor before you play the game as one, since these things will colour the attitude of numerous NPCs.
To give you an example, here's the original text for Wood Elves:
And this is my version:
(The rumored settlement is Elvenwood - I figured it wouldn't matter if you don't have that mod installed, since it's only a rumour ;-) )
I've tried to use American English as far as possible, although that's tricky because I'm British. If you spot anything which is just completely wrong, please let me know; that goes for typos as well, of course.
Similarly, if there are any howling errors in the lore, please tell me. I did refer to usep.net extensively, but I'm relatively new to the Elder Scrolls series (sacrilege!).
One other thing I should mention: this mod originally came about through some writing I did for T3nd0s Overhaul - Perks - Racials - Gameplay - More - having written descriptions for T3nd0's adapted/enhanced races, I thought I'd convert them back to the vanilla game and try to make my own mod.
Naturally, this mod will conflict with anything that changes the race descriptions or races, T3nd0's overhaul included.
But it does work with Live Another Life - the screenshots were taken in the opening cell of LAL, in fact.
Version Log:
1.02 (7 April 2012)
- Fixed typo in Argonian description (thanks Oryx)
1.01 (6 April 2012)
- Fixed typo in Wood Elf description.
1.0 (5 April 2012)
- Initial release
- Bethesda, for some reason, I can't remember what exactly.
- The Nexus, for being so awesome.
- T3nd0, for getting the ball rolling.
My Other mods
Khajiit Speak - Complete Dialogue Overhaul
Cultural Diversity
Skyforge Wolf Armor - Improved Stats
Reduced Gold Rewards for Quests