A little while back I posted a note on the forums saying I would make a house for folks that didn't use the CK but still wanted a custom house (bigfoot343 yours is coming) and this is the first house that came out as a result of that. It is customed designed to the requesters specs, and I liked it so much I decided to release it publicly.
Just east of Rorikstead on the road out of town is the Kneirim Farmhouse. It is all set for the player to move in. The reason I call it a "roleplayers house" is that it is a very small simple farmhouse. Complete with chickens, crops and a cow (named Ingrid). As such it is not like anything one would expect the savior of the world to live in. However, it is perfect for the player who likes to start small, and move on up to the east side (2 points to whoever knows where thats from).
--==Whats In It==--
-- Discoverable Map Marker
-- Completely nav-meshed (in and out)
-- 1 cow
-- 4 chickens (inside chicken coop)
-- Workbench
-- Tanning Rack
-- Wood Choping Block
-- Crops (wheat, leek, potato, gourds, cabbage)
-- Single Bed (only gives "rested" bonus as it is a single common mattres)
-- 4 Chests
-- 4 weapon rack slots
-- Cook Pot
-- 6 renewing sacks
-- 6 renewing barrels
--== Whats Not In It==--
-- Whatevers not on the list above. There are NO cheat items here. No skill books, no sharpening stone, no crazy decoration, no forge. It is a simple farmhouse
To AjaxSt for letting me make you a house
To Bethesda for the world we play in
To Nexusmods for helping us tweak that world
If you like and use throw me an endorse. Have a great day.