About this mod
A project to bring weapons and items from the ASOIAF series into Skyrim.
- Permissions and credits

Mods Of Ice And Fire, or MOIAF, aims to bring various weapons and items from the ASOIAF series into the world of Skyrim.

- Longclaw: Jon Snow`s Valyrian steel sword. Both 1-handed and 2-handed versions.
- Oathkeeper: The valyrian steel sword given to Brienne by Jamie Lannister.
- All items can be tempered if you have the steel smithing perk.

v1.2 (5/31/2012)
- New Weapon: Oathkeeper.
- Added Scabbards for Longclaw and Oathkeeper.
- Added temper recipies for all weapons.
v1.1 (5/3/2012)
- Longclaws mesh and textures has been redone to more resemble the TV show version.
- Added a 1-handed version of Longclaw.
- Balancing tweaks.
V1.0 (4/23/2012)
- Initial Release
- New Weapon: Longclaw

- Place the Data folder in your Skyrim installation directory, Which will be located someplace like:
And when it asks you to merge folders, say "Yes to all".
- Run the Skyrim launcher, click on "Data Files", and then check the box next to "MOIAF.esp" and press ok.
- You will find the items in a chest directly behind Breezehome in Whiterun. The included screenshot shows you the exact location.

Oathkeepers is based on the drawing by the DeviantART user "~nejna"
My Other Mods:
If you liked this, check out my other mod: Rumplestiltskin`s Dagger