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  1. cjc75
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Has anyone ported this yet to Skyrim SE/AE v1.6 yet?
  2. Belnick
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    drows are obsidian black, absolute darkness....not light blue and purple lol
    1. cjc75
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      There are some with light blue and dark purple shades... 
      The black, obsidian shades are recent additions to their race over the past decade or so.
      This information comes straight from the Forgotten Realms wiki.
  3. Maileen12
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I wished this mod would be transferred to Skyrim AE... I miss this mod, it's the only race to where you can make your skin soooooooooo dark and still see the beautiful patterns. This race is beautiful! <3
    I really, reaaally wished i could play this mod again. x.x
    1. davoz28
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Yea this is my favorite Drow mod. Loks much better than the other offerings. AE edition please!
  4. OneManJam
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    One of the first Skyrim mods I've ever downloaded. Looked around for other finished Drow race mods, but I feel this is still the best looking one, personally.
    Such a shame it was never completed, as vampirism seems to be broken (I'm aware the child Drow doesn't have a vampire version at all, but vampirism seems to break the appearance of the adult version).

    That is to say, when transformed into a vampire, it doesn't actually take. You need to use console commands to complete the transformation which results in a broken appearance that not even showracemenu can fix. Other than that, I'm still loving this mod to this day.
  5. kittyang3l
    • member
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    This isnt a drow race, as it seems to be based on the drow ranger from dota 2. the drow ranger isn't a drow, in her bio it is stated that the drow are ugly and troll like and that she was adopted by them.
    1. raynshadows
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      More likely this is pulled from the Forgotten Realms series of Dungeons and Dragons novels in which the Drow (also known as Dark elves) are a twisted a sadistic race, their children are raised in the arts of combat, war, secrecy, lies and pretty much anything else jacked up that you can think of.
    2. MyridonT
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      YES This is The True DROW RACE. I am not going to state my age, But I have played D&, AD& Since the 70s and according to the Monster Manual published in 1975, and The Advanced Monsters Encyclopedia published in 1980, and Legends and Lore for AD& published in 1984. The Drow were the Elves that had retreated to the underworld because of the type of Magic they studied. (very dark and evil magic. It was not until and eon of time had passed (This due to there long lives) That they had changed evolved. Though they never lost their beauty.
    3. Lupinfan665
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Oh boy sounds like the Sylvana's misconception just in a different game
    4. Leinheart
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, just wanted to start by saying that I love this mod. 

      There was also another mod that allowed for shinny skin and moddification/fix on and I quote, gumdrop looking nipples.
      Unfortunatly I cannot find this other mod anywhere.. Can we get an upload please?
  6. bloodhast
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi. I have troubles with body textures. I see triangles. I installed UNP textures but it didn't help. Please answer me what I should do
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Hey can anyone port this to xbox?
  8. hilmarhb
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i got my drow character married and i showed up as an npc in iron armor to my own wedding.
  9. GDog23
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    No Face!!!

  10. brunoruy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    there is one of the destruction spell that doesn't work... and you could improve the description of the spells, like say how much damage it does for exemple